Showing posts with label values. Show all posts
Showing posts with label values. Show all posts

27 July 2019

Training Course: [AT-271] YOU Facilitating YOU, Vienna, Austria

Between the 7th and 15th of July 2019, the Erasmus+ Training Course, hosted by Popedu,  called “YOU Facilitating YOU” took place. It gathered 24 young people for 7 days from 8 different countries: Montenegro, Romania, Poland, The Republic of North Macedonia, Kosovo, Portugal, Italy, and Greece willing to develop facilitation skills and techniques tailored for each individual participant.

02 May 2018

Annual report/ Raport anual - 2017

EN: As 2018 was an amazing year for us, we want to share with you our projects, achievements and people that made every awesome thing possible. So take a look over our annual report to find out what incredible things we have achieved in the year that has passed.

RO: Pentru că 2018 a fost un an uimitor pentru noi, vrem să împărtășim care sunt proiectele, realizările și oamenii care au făcut ca toate lucrurile minunate ce s-au întâmplat să fie posibile. Aruncați o privire peste raportul nostru anual pentru a afla ce lucruri minunate am realizat în anul care a trecut.

12 December 2017

GEYC received the IER Award for Excellence in promoting European values

Bucharest, 13th of December 2017 - In the context of the preparation of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Institute of Romania (IER) awarded GEYC with the Excellence Prize for promoting European spirit and values.