Showing posts with label intercultural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intercultural. Show all posts
The start of our new Erasmus+ KA210-YOU | Crossroads – An experiential learning approach to the intersectionality of global issues for marginalised young people
climate change,
Global Goals,
young people
TC- "(en)ABLE" Porto, Portugal
During 8th-15th of January, the training course (en)ABLE was hold in Porto, a unique city in Portugal. The aim of this project was to focus on the rights of people with disabilities in order to include them in the society.
A little bit of Arabic taste in the heart of Bucharest
GEYC, with the support of Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Comite Des Etudiants Francophones Gaudeamus, Embassy of Tunisia in Romania and University Politehnica of Bucharest, organized on 8 November the "Voix-Voie" event which presented the extraordinary experiences lived by our colleague Gabriel Brezoiu, general manager of GEYC, in Tunisia and by Lamia Ajala, member of Association la Voix de l'Enfant Rural -AVER.
cultural nights,
entrepreneurship & employability,
GEYC (Romania) & AVER (Tunisia) take part together in Anna Lindh Foundation's Euromed Exchange Programme
EN: GEYC (Romania) & AVER (Tunisia) decided to join the Euromed Exchange Programme organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation and thus to exchange experiences in the youth and cultural fields as well as to reinforce the cooperation regarding future projects.
FR: GEYC (Roumanie) et AVER (Tunisie) ont décidé de se joindre au programme d'échange Euromed organisé par la Fondation Anna Lindh et ainsi d'échanger des expériences dans les domaines de la jeunesse et de la culture, ainsi que de renforcer la coopération en ce qui concerne les projets futurs.
RO: GEYC (România) și AVER (Tunisia) au decis să se alăture programului de schimb Euromed organizat de Fundația Anna Lindh și astfel să facă schimb de experiență în domeniul tineretului și al culturii, precum și să consolideze cooperarea în ceea ce privește viitoarele proiecte.
FR: GEYC (Roumanie) et AVER (Tunisie) ont décidé de se joindre au programme d'échange Euromed organisé par la Fondation Anna Lindh et ainsi d'échanger des expériences dans les domaines de la jeunesse et de la culture, ainsi que de renforcer la coopération en ce qui concerne les projets futurs.
RO: GEYC (România) și AVER (Tunisia) au decis să se alăture programului de schimb Euromed organizat de Fundația Anna Lindh și astfel să facă schimb de experiență în domeniul tineretului și al culturii, precum și să consolideze cooperarea în ceea ce privește viitoarele proiecte.
TC: Inclusion - Vasto, Italy - ”A wonderful Italian experience... on inclusion”
“Italy, here we come”, this was in our thoughts since we had been accepted by GEYC to take part in a training course held in Vasto, from 25th of May to 3rd of June 2017. The hosting organization, LKL (Let`s Keep Learning) was in charge of buying the plane and the bus tickets, of providing us dinner in a restaurant (next to the beach) and giving us pocket money for breakfast and lunch. With this occasion we want to thank GEYC, LKL and to the others participants for giving us the opportunity to live this amazing experience.
erasmus plus,
social inclusion,
training course
TC: „Development of Intercultural Sensitivity” - Limassol, Cipru
When we were in Cyprus we had the amazing opportunity to be surrounded by people from other 9 European countries: Albania, Germany, Malta, Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus. By spending plenty of time together with the participants during the training sessions and during the breaks or hang-outs in the evening in the city of Limassol, we found out lots of things about the european values, specific national values and the most important, we managed to discover each countries cultures.
Eurasia prin ochii GEYC!
Simion Strugar, membru activ al Comunității GEYC s-a întors de curând din Armenia și a avut plăcerea de a împărtăși cu noi câteva impresii legate de experiența lui. Proiectul s-a desfășurat în Yerevan și a avut ca temă "The Power of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue".
Comunitatea GEYC,
educatie non formala,
The Role of Youth in Re-imagining Integration in Europe
"The Role of Youth in Re-imagining Integration in Europe; Channels to Social Inclusion and Equality for all" is a training course that took place in Manchester between 1-7 february 2016. The main purpose of this project was to encourage young people to create a much more equal and inclusive Europe.
European projects,
social inclusion,
training course,
Cyprus is calling: 8 Romanians will join our (inter)cultural journey in 2016 [Erasmus+ youth exchange]
GEYC is selecting 8 Romanian participants, to take part in the "Youth in C.R.I.S.I.S." European project that will take place in Agros, Cyprus from 12th to 19th of March 2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to provide a forum for diverse cultures to come together and have a recognition for similarity and appreciation of difference, foster and encourage personal and social development through interaction on an inter-cultural level, empower young people to be active citizens and have an increased sense of belonging to Europe. Deadline to apply: October 12th, 2015.
An unofficial cultural nights' guide for the official Erasmus+ program
Do you want to know all about getting ready for a successful cultural night in the Erasmus + program?
GEYC gives you 7 easy steps in order to get you started for an amazing intercultural experience.
cultural nights,
Apel pentru înscrieri: Workshop „Comunicare interculturală în context european” pe 9 mai 2014, Ziua Europei
Ministerul Tineretului și Sportului (MTS) prin Casa de Cultură a Studenților din București (CCSB) în parteneriat cu Asociația GEYC organizează în data de 9 mai 2014, orele 10-16 un workshop pe tema „Comunicare interculturală în context european” pentru tinerii din București pentru a celebra Ziua Europei.
The European Voluntary Service or how to create a European family
Do you feel like packing your bags and moving to another country in order to develop your intercultural skills and competences while learning by doing in a non-formal education environment?
The European Voluntary Service might be your cup of tea. Find out of more about what it represents from a former EVS volunteer.
Call for Romanian participants: "Babylon Reinvented: How to Approach ICL", Kharkhiv, Ukraine
GEYC is selecting 2 Romanian participants to attend "Babylon Reinvented: How to Approach ICL" - a European training course held in Kharkhiv, Ukraine from 23rd till 30th June 2014.
training course,
young people,
Youth in action
Survey: how intercultural competence and sensitivity can be developed through different non-formal education experiences
The Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC supports Marianna Kosic in a research project on how intercultural competence and sensitivity can be developed through different non-formal education experiences.
Raising awareness - Building united Europe
From 18th to 25th June 2011, GEYC will take part in "Raising awareness - Building united Europe", a training course in the frame of "Youth in action" program which will be held in Stuttgart, Germany.
Save the planet - it's not too late
From 16 to 26 July 2011, GEYC will take part at "Save the planet - it's not too late" training course in Strasbourg, France, a formation in the field of Youth in action program.
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |