Showing posts with label presentation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label presentation. Show all posts

04 July 2019

GEYC story told in 1 minute

We always had a hard time in describing shortly "What is GEYC?" as in almost 10 years we developed so many programmes and activities, but now it's possible! We have just released the presentation video summary that covers the main aspects of our work.

29 March 2013

Spread the word - TC in Newcastle, UK

From 20th to 27th of March, GEYC participated in ”Spread the word” training course organized by Opportunity International in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, with the financial support of ”Youth in action” programme.

16 November 2012

Dance to express

Here you have a very interesting presentation on the topic "Dance to express" held in the frame of the project "Formal education meets nonformal learning, the competence based approach".