Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

5 things to do before you turn 25 (YE, Design your job, Malaga, Spain)

Because the best way to define yourself as a person is through the experiences you live and the people you meet, #GEYCleții do not like to waste time so left in a new adventure that has enriched them both personally and professionally. 

Japanese Culture in a Nutshell

Konichi wa! This is the first greeting phrase everyone hears getting out of the plane and stepping on the outlandish land of Nippon koku. A month has passed since my Japanese experience has finished and yet, it feels as it happened yesterday. Every day was a travel in time, from the Ancient Japanese culture to the present and future one. Thus, in what follows, the story will focus on the most memorable things it happened each day, from my personal perspective.

Digital Participation Camp sau locul unde se leagă cele mai frumoase prietenii.

Ana, Daiana și Cătălin tocmai s-au întors din proiectul "Digital Participation Camp: take the lead!" ce a avut loc în Munster, Germania și au dorit să împărtățească cu noi câteva impresii de acolo.

Eurasia prin ochii GEYC!

Simion Strugar, membru activ al Comunității GEYC s-a întors de curând din Armenia și a avut plăcerea de a împărtăși cu noi câteva impresii legate de experiența lui. Proiectul s-a desfășurat în Yerevan și a avut ca temă "The Power of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue".

We are the champions: empowerment for employability [Training course in Italy]

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants, to take part in "We are the champions: empowerment for employability" European project that will take place in Ferrara, Italy from 27.11. to 04.12.2016. The main aim of the training course is providing youth workers with competences for supporting disadvantaged NEETs youngsters in the process of realigning their own life-paths with a view to enhancing their employability. Deadline: 9 August 2016 | Apply now!

Call for 4 Romanian participants and one group leader: Youth Exchange in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France (24.10.-30.10.2016)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants and one group leader, to take part in "Be an European citizen, become an eco-citizen" European project that will take place in La Vancelle , France from 24.10 to 30.10.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to show how to live among other Europeans citizen while respecting the sustainability in terms of the environment and economy. Deadline: 31 May 2016 | Apply now!

O săptămână în Turcia | Social Detox

Alexandra a participat în luna Mai la un proiect în Turcia, unde a reprezentat GEYC. Sa vedem ce părere are despre această experiență mai ales ca este și prima de acest fel.

Thoughts about "Feel the Real Europe" youth exchange

Between 1-8 April 2016 took place "Feel the Real Europe" youth exchange in Poronin, Poland. Ola and Albert are sharing some thoughts about this youth exchange. Read more about the whole experience. 

Call for 6 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in Paralimni, Cyprus (12-20 December 2016)

GEYC is selecting 6 Romanian participants, to take part in "I can" European project that will take place in Paralimni, Cyprus between 12-20 December 2016. The main aim of this youth exchange is to to show that all people are capable of participating in sports and that by encouraging people to participate and at least try we can give young people the opportunities to find a sports that is right for them. Deadline: 19 May 2016 | Apply now!

How to develop a community through the arts?

Between 18-26 January 2016, in Flaxley, Gloucestershire, UK, took place the training course ”Act for your Comunity! Training on Community development”. Andreea, one of our participants wants to share with you the story behind this project. Are you interested in finding out more? Keep reading!

Call for 5 Romanian participants and one group leader: Youth Exchange in Bayburt, Turkey (25.04 - 02.05.2016)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants and one group leader, to take part in "Social Detox" European project that will take place in Bayburt, Turkey from 25.04 to 02.05.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to explain the contemporary problem which slowly is taking worrying dimensions, social media addiction. Deadline: 3 January 2016 | Apply now!

Call for 5 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in Catania, Italy (4-16 March 2016)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "Working on getting a job" European project that will take place in Catania, Italy from 4 to 16 March 2016. The main aim of this youth exchange is to empower youngsters and their engagement in social life, development of impersonal skills for better communication, contribution in increasing of employment level among young people through working on acquiring new skills and knowledge. Deadline: 6 December 2015 | Apply now!

Call for 4 Romanian participants (no age limit): Training Course in Vieste, Latvia (19-27 October 2015)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants, to take part in "Youth exchanges for begginers" European project that will take place in Viesite, Latvia from 19 to 27 October 2015. The main aim of the youth exchange is developing and implement international youth exchange projects. Deadline: 12 August 2015 | Apply now!

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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