Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Let's get it started / Să începem: RGB Balkan Arts Festival “Balkan Portraits: Post-Modern Roots”

EN: GEYC is proudly supporting RGB Balkan Arts Festival, the new institution concerned in mapping the contemporary artistic topography of Balkan region. The aim of the Festival is to create a network of artists and art institutions promoting creative dialogue and extroversion, as well as to investigate and archive the emerging developments in contemporary Balkan arts. 

RO: GEYC este bucuroasă să sprijine Festivalul de Artă Balcanică RGB, o nouă instituție specializată în cartografierea creației artistice contemporane a regiunii balcanice. Scopul festivalului este de a articula o rețea de artiști și instituții de artă care să promoveze dialogul creativ și deschiderea, precum și să investigheze și să arhiveze evoluțiile specifice artelor contemporane balcanice.

How to develop a community through the arts?

Between 18-26 January 2016, in Flaxley, Gloucestershire, UK, took place the training course ”Act for your Comunity! Training on Community development”. Andreea, one of our participants wants to share with you the story behind this project. Are you interested in finding out more? Keep reading!

Call for Romanian participants: “From the Bin To the Gallery” youth exchange in Greece

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants to take part in the "From the Bin To the Gallery" European project that will take place near Serres, north of Greece, from 30th of April till 7th of May 2014. This is a youth exchange project aimed to raise awareness regarding the artistic use of recycled materials.

Call for 2 Romanian participants for an artistic training course in Lviv, Ukraine

AMSED (France) is selecting 2 Romanian participants for an artistic training course which will be held from 11th to 21st of October in Lviv, Ukraine. The project is organized in the frame of "Youth in action" program.

Call for Romanian participants to get involved in ''BE P.ART!'' project in Torino, Italy

GEYC is selecting two Romanian participants to take part at '''BE P.ART!" European project which will be held in Torino, Italy, from 1st to the 7th of September 2013.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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