Thoughts about "Feel the Real Europe" youth exchange

Between 1-8 April 2016 took place "Feel the Real Europe" youth exchange in Poronin, Poland. Ola and Albert are sharing some thoughts about this youth exchange. Read more about the whole experience. 
"Between 1st and 8th of April 2016 group of young people from our organization took part in the project, organized by the Foundation Active in Europe – "Feel the Real Europe". Together with our peers from Poland, Turkey and Italy we met in Poronin, a small village located in Tatra Mountains. The project was created in collaboration of young people and implemented with funding from Erasmus + Programme.
The main aim of the project was to deepen praticipants' knowledge about topic related to democracy, European Union, European awareness and European citizenship. Our praticipants gained also skills in journalism, creating European magazine – "transparent HORIZONS", in which they can publish articles, interviews and reportages. They participated in the meeting/workshop in Tygodnik Podhalanski – the local newspaper. Participants could learn about daily duties of journalists and creating a newspaper.

All activities were implemented in English, using methods and tools of non-formal education. By participating in the "Feel the Real Europe" the youth gained new knowledge, skills, became more creative and innovative. Young people learned how to express their opinions in the forum, to take the initiative and became more open to new challenges. During eight-day meeting, participants got to know their cultures, local culture and made new friends. For many people it was first visit abroad and first experience of working in an international team."

The project Feel the Real Europe was a very interesting experience. The location of the project was in a quiet area in Poronin, 10 km away from Zakopane.
First of all i want to say that it was my fourth youth exchange experience and it was great. I improved my english skills a lot because this the only language that we can understand each other. In this experience i've seen different cultures (Turkey, Italy) and how are they living in their own country (especially polish people). I also improved my presentation skills because the project workshops were made in a way that actively involves you. Another interesting thing is that during the sessions I developed my creativity by improvising. One more interesting thing is that i had the chance to visit Wien during the trip to Krakow. Also i have to notice that Zakopane is a great city. It was a great experience for me and i hope i can go in similar youth exchange experiences.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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