Showing posts with label exchange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exchange. Show all posts
The Launch of the European Fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship
After the successful impact of the European Fellowship on Human Rights programme initiated by GEYC in 2015, we have decided to focus our attention on Social Entrepreneurship and to launch a similar programme on this area.
Recrutăm 4 tineri super pasionați de antreprenoriat - European Fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship
GEYC caută 4 tineri cu spirit de întreprinzător care să fie propulsați într-o carieră antreprenorială în cadrul programului ”European Fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship”, program în care vor descoperi valențele antreprenoriatului la nivel european, vor intra în contact cu organizații și start-up-uri din Porto, Portugalia într-un schimb de experiență, vor face networking cu cei mai cool antreprenori din București în cadrul Impact Hub Bucharest și vor vedea ce presupune organizarea unui proiect din spatele cortinei. Termen limită: 5 septembrie, orele 14.
"Antigypsysm – Mobile Books" training course in Struga, Macedonia
From October 4th to 12th, I will have the chance to represent GEYC in a training course taking place in Struga, Macedonia. For a week, 30 participants from 10 countries will address the sensitive issue of Roma discrimination.
Cyprus is calling: 8 Romanians will join our (inter)cultural journey in 2016 [Erasmus+ youth exchange]
GEYC is selecting 8 Romanian participants, to take part in the "Youth in C.R.I.S.I.S." European project that will take place in Agros, Cyprus from 12th to 19th of March 2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to provide a forum for diverse cultures to come together and have a recognition for similarity and appreciation of difference, foster and encourage personal and social development through interaction on an inter-cultural level, empower young people to be active citizens and have an increased sense of belonging to Europe. Deadline to apply: October 12th, 2015.
Story: On top of the cultural tide
GEYC took part in the project "Wall on the high tide", an European exchange held between 16th and 24th July 2014, in Gdansk, Poland involving young people from Poland, Turkey and Romania.
The main objective of this project was to debate upon the differences between cultures, to find similarities and also to raise awareness regarding the importance of cultural diversity .
European project,
non-formal education,
traditional food,
youth exchange,
Youth in action
Seminar: "Young European's digital practices"
From 10th to 13th of February 2014, GEYC took part to "Young European's digital practices" seminar in Rouen, France. The event was organized by CRIJ Haute Normandie with the financial support of "Youth in action" program.
Youth in action,
youth work
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |