From 10th to 13th of February 2014, GEYC took part to "Young European's digital practices" seminar in Rouen, France. The event was organized by CRIJ Haute Normandie with the financial support of "Youth in action" program.
Organizers: The Centre régional Information Jeunesse de Haute-Normandie in partnership with Pôle Emploi
International, Direction Régionale de la Jeunesse, des Sports et de la Cohésion sociale de Haute-
Normandie, Association Régionale des Missions Locales and Région Haute-Normandie.
Main activities:
- Conference (more than 100 participants) on the topic of "European youth digital practices";
GEYC emphasized how Romanian young people use social media, the fact that many public institutions have a narrow understanding of young people digital practices and of the tools they could use for communication and also the importance of having an online presence.
We have raise awareness about the matter of social media privacy: by one side, it is your right to keep some information from being available online; by the other side, somebody could believe you are hiding something if some information are missing from your social media profile.
Nevertheless, we concluded through a message for all the young people that attended the event: "If you miss the chance to say something good about you online, don't take for granted that others won't say something bad about you".
As members of the Advisory Council on Youth of the Romanian Ministry of Youth and Sports
, GEYC is continuing its lobby and advocacy efforts to convince the authorities about the importance of digital skills for young people.
- Workshop "Social networks and professional life";
GEYC introduced SMARTER project and the philosophy behind it:
- Workshop "Digital technologies: how young people are using it to support their projects";
GEYC introduced GEYC Resources Center and invited all the other participants to take advantage of the tools and opportunities we offer.
Moreover, we have established new connections with the organisations attending this event, especially with CRIJ Haute Normandie in the field of youth work methods and methodologies.