PrismaEU Talks took place on the 3rd of December 2020, aiming at creating a space of sharing and discussion upon the Future of work in the post-pandemic recovery context.
> MODERATOR: Begum Merve DEMIRSOY - President of ANKA Youth Association (Turkey)
> SPEAKERS, organized on topics:
Working from home, advantages, and disadvantages - Trends: Digitalization and automation;
- Gianluca TOMASELLO - Head Policy Research Officer, WG on Youth Employment - European Student Think Tank and Ioan PROFIROIU- Head of Growth - Jobful
#Mental wellbeing of young workers;
Enxhi LIPA - Youth worker at Udhetim i Lire-Liberi di Viaggiare (Albania)
The role of social media in personal branding and in recruitment;
Jennifer GHRAICHY - General Secretary of PRISMA European Network
You can follow the discussion bellow
Main ideas:
- although, in the Covid19 context, the over 60% of workers in the EU are working from home, most of them (over 80%) have never faced this situation before, this being the first time they are working remotely/from home.
- over 80% of the workers working from home said they would like to keep the situation as it is, even after the pandemic is over.
- mainly working remotely in the Covid19 context helped some people have a better quality of life, by allowing them to move to the countryside and still continue working, having a lower cost of life and giving them the opportunity to develop on other plans too, even start entrepreneurial initiatives-
- remote working advantages: although when most of the companies moved to remote working after the pandemic started, this was a big shock for most of the employees but it started being beneficial for companies, as they didn't have to pay for leasing their offices, some employees were even more productive, this pushing the companies to allow employees to work remotely even after the pandemic. Another advantage is that the companies can broaden their hiring pool.
- remote working disadvantages: continuous remote working could tempt companies to only hire from countries with great skills but cheap work force, this becoming a problem for the local potential hires that are loosing the opportunity of employment just because someone charges less for the same skill. Some more aspects to follow here is unproductive meetings, the lack of work-life balance, the lack of motivation, the lack of interaction.
- as for the mental wellbeing of the young workers, it is very important to know how training and learning opportunities and employment status changed for young people since the beginning of the pandemic: 1 in 8 youngsters were left with no access to courses, teaching or trainings, while 1 in 6 youngsters lost their job. The scale tipped more in the disadvantage of youngsters from low income families.
- since it has proven itself quite difficult to find a new job in the recent context, it's really important to build a personal brand to ensure success. For this, aspects like an online posting strategy, defining your goals, defining your expertise, consistency, staying relevant should be taken into account.
- trends in employment that might cause skill gaps: technological change, globalization, demographic change, increasing inequality, urbanization, global health crisis, environmental sustainability.
- 9 vital skills for the future of work: creativity, emotional intelligence, analytical (critical) thinking, active learning with a growth mindset, technological skills, interpersonal communication skills, leadership skills, diversity and intercultural intelligence, embracing change.
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