Showing posts with label stakeholder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stakeholder. Show all posts

Economic Forum for Young Leaders (10th edition) and Get Inspired Fest - 7th to 11th September 2015, Nowy Sacz & Krynica, Poland

From 7th to 11th of September, Mr. Gabriel BREZOIU - General Manager of GEYC will take part to 2 high level international events such as "Economic Forum for Young Leaders" (10th edition) and "Get Inspired Fest" organized by the European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation with the support of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Annual report / Raport anual - 2014

EN: GEYC publishes its annual report for 2014. The document includes the main information about our activity, community impact and financial reporting; all in all to prove once again organisation's transparency towards its sponsors, donors and other stakeholders.

RO: GEYC își publică raportul anual pentru 2014. Documentul include principalele informații despre activitatea noastră, impactul la nivelul comunității și raportarea financiară; toate acestea pentru a arăta încă o dată transparența organizației față de sponsori, donatori și celelalte părți interesate.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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