We are kicking off the European Fellowship for Young Researchers (EFYR) - our brand new initiative for young researchers

It is or pleasure to kick off with the pilot edition of the European Fellowship for Young Researchers (EFYR), our brand new initiative to stimulate the young people in our community to develop their research skills and perhaps pursue a research career.

Basically, #EFYR provides those selected with the opportunity to have all the GEYC resources for their research, access to GEYC communication channels for the dissemination of the most interesting research results, as well as guidance and access to other connected opportunities in the field. 

Especially in the last 3 years, the GEYC activity has started to develop on more and more plans, plans that periodically intersect with the research activity. GEYC team members also have 3-10 years of experience in GEYC's fields of action. 

On the other hand, the continuous development of GEYC activities makes us consider taking the research activity to another level and making available to the community members the community resources that can serve the research activity: 
  • Over 4000 members in the GEYC Community and statistical/demographic data on their profile; 
  • Over 100 partner organizations at European level and membership in dozens of formal and informal networks; 
  • Connecting with reference institutions at European level in research activity (European and academic institutions); 
  • Experience in over 10 strategic partnership projects at European level carried out in the last 7 years; 
  • The existence of the own resources library within the GEYC Resources Center: geyc.ro/publications which is disseminated periodically.

Duration of the programme: February - June 2021

Let's see how our kickoff meeting went:

Let's discover our Fellows

Democracy and Human Rights


University: Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of European Studies, RISE English line
My research topic concerns Euroscepticism in Hungary and Romania and will be presented as my bachelor’s thesis. I intend to examine phenomena such as policy and ideological opposition by conducting comparative analysis regarding the two aforementioned countries. By the end of the research paper, my goal is to have a clear vision upon why does the country with one of the highest share of pro-EU population have one of the most Eurosceptic governments, how is Euroscepticism reflected in the media of the two countries and what are the issues that are most closely related to Eurosceptic rhetoric.

Mentor: Gabriel BREZOIU

Entrepreneurship and employability

Alexandra Irina PÎNZARIU

University: University of Bucharest, UNESCO Chair in Intercultural and Inter-religious Exchanges (graduate 2020)
Recruitment of the future, where to? What does the recruitment of GenZ in Romania look like in 2021? How the relations between employers and Gen Z manifest themselves, as well as vice versa - sustainable solutions and regulations for the future based on the analysis of the job market and trends, as well as the rate of employability of Generation Z in the context of COVID-19, as well as comparative analysis with the years pre-covid and other countries, post and pre-covid. The purpose of this research is to be able to propose forms of regulation of the employment processes in Romania and to support the Future of HR by forecasting for employers and young employees. Alexandra is the founder of The FutureKit that will also be involved in this research.

Mentor: Diana IONIȚĂ


University: Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FSEGA), Master of Business Administration
I want to debate the topic of the social economy, and I would like to start by interviewing some social entrepreneurs, from whom I can find out what are the common motivating factors to become a social entrepreneur. Of course, I will need to become a little more technical in terms of economics, I would also like to analyze the Social Business Model Canvas of these entrepreneurs and it would be necessary to go to the legislation side (analysis of that 2015 law on the economy social). To connect with these entrepreneurs, I would like to reach out to the winners of the Social Innovation Awards and the Future Makers, both of which are competitions from Social Innovation Solutions, where I am in the other fellowship (until April), but I would also like to get in touch with people who do this in Romania before it is known that that economic activity is in the niche of the social economy, such as those from "Alaturi de Voi" Foundation in Iași, and I think that GEYC would have the necessary human resources to find out about these social entrepreneurs.

Mentor: Diana IONIȚĂ


George-Cristinel ROTARU

University: University of Economic Studies, Bucharest
Faculty of International Business and Economics
My research aims to analyze the sustainable development of the European Union with a focus on the objectives set by the European Green Deal and the Resilience and Recovery Plan and how Romania, Bulgaria, Austria and Germany have managed to make progress in this direction.

Mentor: Raluca DUMITRESCU

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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