Showing posts with label project manager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label project manager. Show all posts

Young Digital Leaders Curriculum 2019

Young Digital Leaders is a Europe-wide programme, developed by ISD, and supported by, that aims to empower young people through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy skills that reach beyond the classroom, so that they can be truly empowered as responsible digital leaders.
The Young Digital Leaders curriculum consists of five sessions targeted at students aged 12-15 years old. In line with the Council of Europe definition of digital citizenship, the curriculum aims to support students to: 

To achieve these aims, the curriculum offers session plans and guidance for five sessions: Critical Consumers, Resilient Citizens, Effective Communicators, Rights Experts and Digital Leaders. Across these five sessions, students will develop their knowledge of key concepts, the skills they need to identify online harms, the effective behaviours needed to interact respectfully, and the attitudes to play a positive role in the online community. 

The sessions can be adapted as needed by practitioners and are a fun, innovative and engaging way to help young people learn about digital citizenship and online leadership. This curriculum, in conjunction with the accompanying Digital Deck, provides all of the information and guidance needed to deliver the programme. 

We launched the European Fellowship on Project Management - EFPM

We are getting started now with the European Fellowship on Project Management - EFPM. The programme will last between August and December 2018 and will be organized in the frame of the KA2 Erasmus+ project ”EuroIMPACT Plus”.

#GEYC8- Meet the team, Alexandra-Florentina Peca, Mobility Center Responsible

#GEYC8 - Meet the team” este oportunitatea perfectă atât pentru membrii Comunității GEYC, cât și pentru partenerii noștri, să cunoască mai multe detalii despre #GEYCuleții care fac parte din echipa internă. Inițiativa nu vine întâmplător în această perioadă, în 2018 fiind aniversarea de 8 ani a GEYC.

#GEYC8 - Meet the team - Diana-Adela Ioniță, Project Manager

„#GEYC8 - Meet the team” este oportunitatea perfectă atât pentru membrii Comunității GEYC, cât și pentru partenerii noștri, să cunoască mai multe detalii despre #GEYCuleții care fac parte din echipa internă. Inițiativa nu vine întâmplător în această perioadă, în 2018 fiind aniversarea de 8 ani a GEYC.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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