European Digital Youth Summit - EDYS

Under the patronage of
Financed by
Group of the European
Youth for Change
Romanian Parliament
Chamber of Deputies
European Parliament "Youth in action"

The bridge between youth, digital and employment

28th of August 2014 | Parliament Palace - Bucharest, Romania

About | Agenda | Speakers | Content Registration | Location | Media | Partners Contact


EDYS will bring together over 100 specialists, young people and representatives of public and academic institutions, NGOs, mass media and companies from 14 countries (France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey).
The summit will tackle important topics for European young people such as digital behaviour and employment trying to find realistic solutions to raise employability and to encourage digital entrepreneurship.
The event is organized under the patronage of the European Parliament and answers key issus from Digital Agenda for Europe such as digital awareness, digital skills, digital jobs and digital entrepreneurship.
As a result of the summit, the participants will submit recommendations to European and national policy makers in order to raise awareness upon the needs of young people, digital trends and to suggest ways to improve youth employment at European level.

Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC is a Romanian established non-profit youth organisation active at European and international levels. GEYC is a member of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs (European Commission) and Advisory Council on Youth of the Ministry of Youth and Sport (Romanian Government). In the digital field, GEYC initiated "GEYC Resources Center" aiming to digitally empower young people all over the world to create a positive change in their communities by offering access to tools, free education and networking. Find out more


The schedule can suffer slight changes. The most updated version is the one you can find below.
10:30-11:00Participants registration & welcome coffee
Only invited participants will be allowed to attend the summit after identification.
11:00-12:30Opening panel: Digital, youth and employability – trends and discussions (plenary)
Moderator: Gabriel BREZOIU - General Manager at GEYC

12:30-13:00Coffee break
13:00-14:30W O R K S H O P S - T R E N D S
Digital – case studies, trends,
challenges, discussions
Moderator: Gabriel BREZOIU - General Manager at GEYC
Reporter: Konstantin WARNOWIZKI – law graduate and digital entrepreneur 
Employment - case studies, trends,
challenges, discussions
Moderator: Diana FĂLAN - HR Communication & Employer Branding Specialist at BRD Groupe Société Générale
Reporter: Marina SIROBOB – Tax consultant and Ambassador of the university's Alumni association 
14:30-15:30Lunch break
15:30-17:00W O R K S H O P S - I N I T I A T I V E S 
European project management
case studies, trends, challenges, discussions
Moderator: Roxana RUGINĂ - CEO & Co-founder Simplon Romania
Reporter: Amelie JOHANSSON - Project Coordinator at AMSED
Funding - case studies, trends,
challenges, discussions
Moderator: Cătălina AZAMFIREI - Solution Creator and founding member of
Reporter: Simone LIMBURG - (ex)EVS Volunteer at AMSED
17:00-17:30Coffee break
17:30-18:30Closing panel: The path forward
workshops reporting, recommendations, conclusions (plenary)
Moderator: Gabriel BREZOIU - General Manager at GEYC

Konstantin WARNOWIZKI – law graduate and digital entrepreneur
Marina SIROBOB – Tax consultant and Ambassador of the university's Alumni association 
Amelie JOHANSSON - Project Coordinator at AMSED
Simone LIMBURG - (ex)EVS Volunteer at AMSED


The list below includes only the speakers that have already confirmed their participation. The list is permanently updated until the beginning of the event.
Cătălina AZAMFIREI - Solution Creator and founding member of 
Catalina is a marketing &communications professional with extended expertise in various industries and part of the team that founded the first Romanian crowdfunding platform addressed to socially responsible persons. Passionate about helping people with ideas to transform them into entrepreneurial experiences she offers consultancy step by step for crowdfunding campaigning.
Bogdan BÂRLA - Public relations officer at European Parliament Information Office in Romania
Bogdan is a graduate of European Studies Faculty - Cluj-Napoca and has an extensive experience in the field of marketing and communications. After working several years in the private sector, he joined the European Parliament Information Office in Romania in 2011, as Public Relations Officer. In this position, he deals with general communication activities, organizing events and he also manages the online and social media activities of the office. He contributes to the general objective disseminate good quality information about the activities of the European Parliament and EU within the Romanian society.
Bogdan BOTESCU - Head of Digital Marketing at BRD Groupe Société Générale
Innovative banker and entrepreneur with background both in IT and accounting having international expertise (in Europe and Africa as well). Interested in innovation projects, organic development projects. Always looking for a challenge.
Gabriel BREZOIU - General Manager at GEYC
Gabriel is a Romanian trainer and project manager specialised in the non profit field at national and European levels. He has over 7 years of experience in youth projects focusing on social media, project management and communication. He is a Founding member of GEYC and the initiator and Program Manager of GEYC Resources Center. He has been trained in over 10 European countries on various topics.
Ramona CHIVU - Deputy Project Manager - SMARTER at GEYC
Ramona is a Romanian professional specialised in International business, non-formal education and digital awareness projects. She is one of the initiators of SMARTER project, a founding member of GEYC and a member of GEYC Board of Directors. Aiming to make a positive change through volunteering, Ramona believes that GEYC's endeavours in the new media fields are supporting young people to raise their employability and self confidence.   
Elena COMAN - Programs Manager at Techsoup România
Elena has been working for more than 11 years in the Romanian non-governmental sector. Her professional experience ranges from project management to media expert in special editorial projects with mainstream and niche media, focusing now on projects that help NGOs and youth to master technology. She managed a dynamic communication department for several years. Always a first grade teacher at heart, she specialized in youth projects that empower youth to get ready for real life career choices: from innovative hands-on internships with journalism and communication students, to programs that prepare high-school students or students for tech related careers.
Miruna COVACI-ZAVOI - Communication Officer at ANPCDEFP (Erasmus+ National Agency, Romania)
Miruna joined the ANPCDEFP team more than 6 years ago, after having worked as a journalist for Gandul national newspaper. She was communication & Eurodesk officer and action officer for the Youth in Action program and currently she is part of the communication team for the new Erasmus+ European financing program. She is interested in nonformal learning methods and she was actively involved in the National Agency’s events and projects promoting them and the complementarity between formal, nonformal and informal education.
Cătălin DOGARU - President of PMI Romania Chapter
Catalin-Teodor Dogaru, MBA, Ph.D. and PMP – President of PMI Romania Chapter, trainer, consultant and managing partner at TSP, currently working as Development Director for Electronic Arts, Catalin is an enthusiast of project, process and program management, that seeks out constantly the talent and novelty in this professional domain. The games, sense of humor, but also the engagement and tenacity are just a few of the elements contributing to the delivery of successful trainings, workshops and presentations, to which participants would return at ANY time (the participants’ opinions, not our own, we assure you).
Diana FĂLAN - HR Communication & Employer Branding Specialist at BRD Groupe Société Générale
Diana is handling the creation and implementation of the company’s employer brand strategy, but also the communication needs of the HR department, being in contact with many young graduates from different campuses. A communication professional with more than 7 years experience, Diana managed so far both internal and external communication, in Banking and FMCG industries and is part of the BRD team since 2010. She is a graduate of the Academy of Economic Studies, the Commerce Faculty, bachelor and master degree, having also a master degree in Management and Business Communication with SNSPA.
Natalia GARZAIMAR - Cultural manager at the Academy of Literature, Arts and Sciences
Social media can help the participants and entrepreneurships of the complex european cultural market to integrate skills and to target different, constantly developing publics. In order to build an European identity, the cultural industries should adapt their contents, their production and distribution tools to the actual communications scenarios. Digital media can improve the education and self- awareness of producers and prosumers about their role, impact and responsability in the European society, as well as help to multiplicate the project results and guarantees.
Adela JANSEN - HR Executive Director at BRD Groupe Société Générale
Adela Jansen is the Executive Director of Human Resources of BRD - Groupe Société Générale, one of the largest employers from the Romanian banking system, with about 8.700 employees, and i the second bank in Romania in terms of assets. Adela joined the BRD team in October 2003 and she has an experience of over 20 years in the management of many fields such as: human resources, sales, marketing, communication, business development and logistics.
Amelie JOHANSSON - Project Coordinator at AMSED
Amelie was born and raised in Sweden. She currently lives in France, where she works as a project coordinator at AMSED. She has been involved in a number of international youth projects throughout the years as a trainer and facilitator. Amelie holds a masters degree in political and social sciences from the University of Strasbourg.
Andrei LASC - Creative Head at Cu substrat
After 8 years of Math and coding I made a shift to advertising. Here I twist words and put them together in smart headlines. Than I design them and then I start over again. I built my own business starting from Cu substrat (translated as Witty/Double meaning) which is a zero budget project gone viral.
Simone LIMBURG - (ex)EVS Volunteer at AMSED
Simone is 21 years old and from Germany. As a participant in various exchanges and workshops within the Youth in Action Program, she got interested in the field of European issues, methods of non-formal education and intercultural communication. Her European Voluntary Service with AMSED in 2012 gave her the chance to deepen her knowledge in these fields, to get to know the organizational and logistical aspects and to promote the program to other young people. Simone is currently studying political sciences in Lille/France.
Alexandra MARIN - IT Recruitment Consultant at Lugera
I am a passionate and result driven IT Recruitment professional with over 3 years of experience in the recruitment field. Since January 2013, I specialized myself in IT recruitment starting with both entry level roles and also Architects and Manager roles. I consider myself of being people oriented and I enjoy helping professional to go a step further in their career. I also enjoy challenges and I aspire to be one of the best recruitment professional in the country and to deliver high quality in any terms and for both parts clients and candidates. Until this moment I am proud of having the best results in delivering top talents to our clients and also for helping young professionals to develop their professional career.
Camelia MIHALCEA - Head of International Relations, EURES and Mediation Directorate, National Agency for Employment (ANOFM)
Camelia Mihalcea joined National Employment agency in 2003 and she successfully managed projects such as "SAFE -Services for a Flexible Approach of Mobility at European Level” (European Social Fund project). She worked in public institutions for more that 30 years gaining relevant experience in organising and coordinating public activities, aquired by coordinating the Statistics, Labour market analysis and EURES Service, the Technical Secretariate of the National Council for Elder Persons, the EURES direction of the National Agency for Employment activity. Her entire work is dedicated towards improving European job opportunities for Romanian citizens together with offering high quality services for both workers and employers.
Elisabeta MORARU - Industry Manager at Google
Elisabeta has over 10 years experience in sales, marketing, business development and training. She has been Industry Manager at Google for over 2 years. Previously she was part of the management team at Xerox and Microsoft. Elisabeta has a Ph.D. in Mass Communication, a master degree at SNSPA, and a master at University of Bucharest. She is an Associate Trainer at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication and believes in the Education initiatives that can make a difference.
Adrian OPREA - IT Recruitment Consultant at Lugera
HR is my place to be, because I have a natural drive to help people. I like to get my inspiration from many places, always looking for ideas that I can crunch together. That's why I'm interested in innovative, simple & efficient HR practices that can provide the best results. During my three years that I’ve so far spent in recruiting, I've learned that nothing is more valuable than constantly being on the lookout for alternative solutions. On the other side, the will to solve business problems and a sheer desire to discover the good things in people.
Todi PRUTEANU - Business Strategy Manager at Microsoft România
As Business Strategy Manager at Microsoft Romania, Todi Pruteanu leads Corporate Communications, Citizenship Programs and strategic initiatives for the company that enable a business environment where information technology is valued for its economic and social impact. In his previous roles at Microsoft, he covered evangelism, business development and marketing functions. Since 2012, Todi is the Vice President of the Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry (ANIS), with a focus on the development of the domestic market. Todi is strong believer that the IT industry, as a competitive sector in Europe, can make a better impact in boosting the productivity of the Romanian economy.
Roxana RUGINĂ - CEO & Co-founder Simplon Romania
Roxana Rugina is a technologist and communication expert engaged in social and disruptive innovation. She is passionate about new technology, remix culture and innovation in education. Her working experience with NGOs, international companies, governmental institutions, agencies and startups brought her to France. Enrolled in the first promo of she has been learning Ruby & Ruby on Rails for 6 months. Today she is managing various web projects and mobile applications. On the long term she believes that everyone should learn how computers work and how we can use technology to build new businesses. Her entrepreneurial drive determined her to move to Cluj, where she co-founded Simplon Romania, the Romanian branch of the French startup After 6 years of experience in web, marketing and communication, she wants to help more people to learn how to code, develop digital & entrepreneurial skills to solve real problems with long term positive impact on societies.
Anna Gyða SIGURGISLADOTTIR - Social entrepreneur and director of Problem? Oh, That’s An Opportunity
Anna Gyða is a law student from Iceland with a big passion for documentary filmmaking, being concerned by human rights and other global issues. In 2008 she began working with Amnesty International and took part in creating the Youth Action Group in Amnesty International Iceland. In 2011, she went to Burma and, along with some other change makers, created an organisation called Burmaction that focused on getting young volunteers to teach English in non-governmental critical thinking schools. They saw education as the key to democracy change in Burma. She became a certified Global Changemaker in 2012. Since then, Anna Gyða has been making a documentary film about social entrepreneurship called Problem? Oh, That’s An Opportunity. She is also the director of global networking at a social enterprise called Reconesse Database; the world’s largest online database of women achievers of the past and present. The mission is to move us closer to gender equality by giving people more diverse female role models.
Marina SIROBOB – Tax consultant and Ambassador of the university's Alumni association
Marina holds a Master’s degree in Business Education and now works as a tax consultant at EY in Frankfurt, Germany. She has implemented a student ambassador’s program for the university’s alumni association ABSOLVENTUM and has worked as a student ambassador to promote the association. Marina believes that intelligent networking can improve the chances for employment.
Maria TORRES - Public relations officer at the Academy of Literature, Arts and Sciences
She has 8 years experience working in quality evaluation and cooperating with non profit organizations as an evaluation expert and as project manager. She is involved in projects that minimize social and cultural barriers to guarantee an equal acces to information trough the acces to digital tools. In the field of formal education, she carries an investigation about narratology models.
Andreea TUNDREA - Grants officer at FDSC
Andreea has a strong professional background in the NGO field. She has expertise in youth projects, voluntarism and non-formal education. Founder and active member of a youth NGO for 5 years, she has coordinated groups of volunteers, both local and international. As a trainer in youth work, project management, inclusion of vulnerable groups, Andreea was also a member of the pool of trainers in Youth in Action Program. At the moment she is working in CSDF (Civil Society Development Foundation) as Grants Officer for projects financed within the Program of EEA Grants.
Iulia TUTUIANU - Grants officer at FDSC
Iulia worked since 2010 until 2013 as a coordinator in an EU Structural project and managed all activities regarding stakeholders such as unions and NGOs, elaborating procedures for events such as conferences, trainings, seminars, lobby and advocacy activities and monitoring the cycle of the project to be implemented in respect with the official agreement. At the end of 2013, she successfully succeeded to perform advocacy actions that supported the transparency law (“Sunshine law”) to be amended, at this moment being in force a more coherent regulation that encourages civil society to get involved in the public policies elaboration process. Since 2005 until 2010 she worked as an expert in the presidential administration drafting external and internal analysis of the constitutionality of laws before promulgation and coordinating the law department team for publishing a monthly law breviary for public information. She holds degrees in law and business law. She is also certified as lobby specialist, mediator and trainer.
Diana VOICU - State Secretary at the Ministry of Information Society (Romania)
As a digital leader for Romania, my every-day goal is to rebuild Romania digitally, through smart information & communication technologies. My territory of work is mainly surrounded by the National Strategy for Digital Agenda 2014 – 2020, which aims to drive Romanian citizens and businesses to get the most out of the new technologies and help boost the national economy accordingly. My professional achievements have been powered by working towards developing policies, strategies and projects that have put Romania on the European digital map, for more than 10 years. The most innovative programme that I led towards success is “Knowledge based Economy”, a European and internationally recognized project that revived 255 k-deprived communities across rural Romania via intelligent use of ICT.
Konstantin WARNOWIZKI – law graduate and digital entrepreneur 
Konstantin is a German law graduate and currently busy founding a digital start-up, including an online community for horse riders as well as licensing online stores. He has volunteered in Beijing and served in the student government of his faculty for two years.



Registration is expected to be opened on August, 12th, 2014 - The International Day of Youth.

  • August, 12th - 23rd: the registration process;
  • August, 24th: registration results notification (please check your e-mail);
  • August, 24th - 25th: confirming the participation;
  • August, 26th: final notification for selected participants;
  • August, 28th, 10:30 (am): See you at Palatul Parlamentului, "Constantin Brancusi" meeting room!

Please note the followings:
  • there is no participation fee for the selected participants;
  • only selected participants will be allowed to attend the event;
  • selected participants are expected to attend the entire event;
  • a personal ID/passport should be presented in order to register and receive the summit badge (the summit badge should be visible during the entire event);
  • event official language is English. All participants are expected to be able to communicate in English;
  • dress code: business;
  • mobile phones mode (during the sessions): silent / closed;
  • social media coverage is strongly encouraged. We will use the following hashtags: #EDYS14 and #BeSMARTER14;
  • participants from outside Bucharest are welcome to join the event. However, the organizers are unable to cover any costs related to their transport and acommodation;

Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter to be updated.

At the end of the event, the participants are entitled to receive a certificate of attendance.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact us:
Ms. Ana-Maria LULEA, HR Responsible


Thanks to the courtesy of the Romanian Parliament - Chamber of Deputies, the event will be hosted at the Palace of Parliament, Constantin Brâncuși meeting room. The Palace is one of the biggest turistic atractions in Bucharest, Romania being located in the city center.

"Built by Communist Party leader, Nicolae Ceausescu, the colossal Parliament Palace (formerly known as the People's Palace) is the second largest administrative building in the world after the Pentagon. It took 20,000 workers and 700 architects to build. The palace boasts 12 stories, 1,100 rooms, a 328-ft-long lobby and four underground levels, including an enormous nuclear bunker. When construction started in 1984, the dictator intended it to be the headquarters of his government. Today, it houses Romania's Parliament and serves as an international conference centre. Built and furnished exclusively with Romanian materials, the building reflects the work of the country's best artisans. A guided tour takes visitors through a small section of dazzling rooms, huge halls and quarters used by the Senate (when not in session). The interior is a luxurious display of crystal chandeliers, mosaics, oak paneling, marble, gold leaf, stained-glass windows and floors covered in rich carpets. The Palace of Parliament it is the world's second-largest office building in surface (after the Pentagon) and the third largest in volume (after Cape Canaveral in the U.S. and the Great Pyramid in Egypt) The crystal chandelier in the Human Rights Hall (Sala Drepturilor Omului) weighs 2.5 tons Some of the chandeliers have as many as 7,000 light bulbs." (Source).
Follow Romanian Parliament - Chamber of Deputies on Instagram

Address: Izvor 3, 5th District, Bucharest, Romania


Journalists and bloggers will find here media materials. For social media updates, please follow the #EDYS14 and #BeSMARTER14 hashtags on Facebook and Twitter.

Press releases - Comunicate de presă

11.08.2014 - Tineretul comunică tot mai digital: Sărbătorim Ziua Internațională a tineretului prin lansarea înscrierilor la European Digital Youth Summit (EDYS): format complet / format fără diacritice

Visual identity - Identitate vizuală

Description (EN)Descriere (RO)File formatDownload
Visual identity package - EDYSPachet de identitate vizuală - EDYS.7z
Web banners - SMARTERBannere web - SMARTER.html
GEYC logoLogo GEYC.jpg
Chamber of Deputies logoLogo Camera Deputaților.jpg
European Parliament logoLogo Parlamentul European.jpg
"Youth in action" programme logoLogo programul „Tineret în acțiune”.jpg
EDYS logoLogo EDYS.png
GEYC Resources Center logoLogo GEYC Resources Center.png

Bucharest City Hall, Romania European Institute of Romania Europe Direct Bucharest, Romania LSRS - Liga Studenților Români din Străinătate StudentIq Memoplus


This event is organized by GEYC in the frame of "Social Media Academy: Raise Teen Employability Resources - SMARTER" project. SMARTER (RO-43-E107-2013-R3) is co-financed by the European Commission through ”Youth in action” program (4.3). The content of this material does not necesarely reflect the official position of the European Union, the entire responsibility being taken by its author (GEYC association).

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

All rights reserved • 2010-2025