International Holocaust Remembrance Day - Q: why should we remember? A: In order not to forget and repeat.

History has a way to repeat everything we did not understand. Over 70 years ago, 6 million Jewish people, 2 million Romani people, 250,000 mentally and physically disabled people, and 9,000 homosexual men were killed by one of the most horrible genocides in history. 
Today, we live in a modern world with high human rights laws and standards, but still discrimination is everywhere, it is rising and the risks of radicalization is imminent. GEYC, as a member of PRISMA European Network stands for human rights and launches today the final findings of HaSpe research.

Let's get united by our hopes, not divided by our fears.
(Gabriel BREZOIU, General Manager of GEYC) 

It is hard to believe that something might change our democratic and European communities. But hate speech is rising and it affects directly our common value: ”unity in diversity”. In the frame of Balkans without hate project, GEYC has taken action at national level in Romania through:
  • EQUALIS campaign targetting Romanian schools;
  • EDYS - European Digital Youth Summit, a high level stakeholders meeting in the field of youth participation and hate speech;
  • European Fellowship on Human Rights;
  • HaSpe - research about young people and hate speech in Europe led by our colleague Diana IONIȚĂ.

Let us share some insights with you:

but, in the same time:

The percentage that show youth being either victim or oppressor are high and underline the vulnerability of users in the digital space regarding safety. 55% of the youngsters that responded to this survey were aggressed online and 76% used hate speech against the others. Thus, youths are exposed to a very risky online environment.

Click here to access HaSpe findings

Feel free to use these findings in your work, to get documentation and insights while designing your projects; you can refer to them through the following permalink:

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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