Ca partener național al UNITED, GEYC are plăcerea de a vă invita să luați parte la Campania Europeană ”Your Vote Can Divide! Your Vote Can Unite!” menită să asigure conștientizarea importanței votului pentru Parlamentul European.
Your Vote Can Divide! Your Vote Can Unite! You Choose! May 2014 European Parliament Elections Order your Free Material Now! ---- LIKE! - and follow the campaign. JOIN! - organise a simple local or online event around the European Elections in May INFORM! - us about your activity by email ORDER! - UNITED can send you up to 2 kilo free campaign material (poster, stickers, postcards *). TWEET! - about your activity with #NoHateEP2014 ---- Dear colleagues In May 2014 a new EU Parliament will be chosen. The elections come amidst a crisis that strikes Europe hard. Across the continent people lose jobs, lose income, lose hope. These are the circumstances some political parties and movements are taking advantage of. Seemingly easy solutions are promised by these parties, like: leave the EU, cancel international agreements that cost money, close the borders, etc. Easy scapegoats are found to blame: migrants, minorities, refugees, Muslims, Jews. According to these parties, those are the groups to be blamed for anything that goes wrong in our societies. The so-called solutions and scapegoats are used to gain power and influence, to win votes, and -in the end- to win seats in the European Parliament (EP). Some of these parties previously refrained from cooperating with each other. Now, with the EP elections in sight, far-right parties form an alliance for the EP elections. What binds them is extreme nationalism, an anti-EU agenda, and anti-migration/ -migrant policy. Their goal is to win as much influence in the EP as possible. Together they cover the whole range of intolerance and hate. We believe in the freedom of expression. It is one of the fundamentals of our democracies. But we do not believe this fundamental freedom can be used to strip others from their fundamental rights and freedoms. Nor do we believe, this freedom should be used to insult people because of their race, ethnicity, or religion. We oppose the spread of hate and racism dividing our societies. JOIN the 2014 EU Parliament Elections Campaign! We believe in an inclusive European society in which everyone is able to enjoy full equality/ equality of outcomes and participate actively without barriers. By shaping an environment where everybody can contribute with his or her respective and diverse skills and talents, we can achieve a more vibrant, innovative, and successful Europe. Action should be taken on all levels in Europe, from local neighbourhoods to European institutions. We need to show the people around us that we can all live side by side. What we need most is the courage to speak out against exclusion, discrimination, hate and racism wherever we see it: in our streets, at our schools, on the Internet or within our institutions and governments. The 2014 European Parliament Elections will take place very soon. You can order (*) free material for your local actions. Please fill the form below, and return it to Best wishes, The UNITED Campaign Team (*) campaign material can only be posted to European countries ****************************** ORDER FORM CAMPAIGN MATERIAL FOR THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN 2014 Order campaign material for free (*) - see the images on http://www. UNITED can send up to 2 kilos campaign material free of charge (only in Europe). For more than 2 kilos we ask for contribution towards the mailing costs but if you need more free material for special purposes please contact us. > Your Vote Can Unite CAMPAIGN POSTERS.......... (max. 100) - Backside: leaflet 'You Choose!' > Your Vote Can Unite CAMPAIGN POSTCARDS.......... (max. 25) > Your Vote Can Unite STICKER.......... (max. 50) MATERIAL TO BE SEND TO: Name organisation: Street: Postal Code: City: Country: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Contact person: Mobile phone: Additional questions or remarks: ****************************** In case you will organise an activity around the EU Elections, please also fill the section below OUR ACTIVITY YES, our organisation will join the 'European Parliament Elections Campaign' - 2014! > Our activity is title: type of activity: date (from-to): activity place/ venue: description: theme(s): organiser(s): event website: event Facebook page: event Twitter name: > Contact address same as above YES / NO if NO: organisation: street: city: postal code: country: phone: fax: email: website: contact person: mobile phone: Are you aware of other activities organised in your country? Please inform us, and tell us the details: date, type, title, themes, location, contact address... SEND This form as soon as possible to: (1) campaign material can only be posted to European countries |
==== UNITED is the pan-European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees, supported from more than 550 organisations from 48 European countries. How to join the network: see 'joining the network' ---- This project is a cooperation between ENAR European Network Against Racism (, Hope not Hate (, and UNITED for Intercultural Action. ---- This campaign has been funded with support of the Open Society Foundations, the Council of Europe (European Youth Foundation), the Youth In Action Programme of the European Union. The information contained herein does not necessarily reflect the position nor the opinion of our sponsors. Sponsors are not to be held responsible for any use that may be made of it. ---- UNITED E-NEWS is an irregular email service to over 10000 organisations and contact persons active in the working fields: anti-racism, refugee support, anti-fascism, against antisemitism, migration, minority issues, intercultural youth work, against nationalism etc. Regular postal mailings, containing publications such as Addressbook Against Racism, Calendar of Internationalism, Campaign reports, Posters etc. are sent to over 2300 European organisations. If you also would like to receive this mailing: see 'joining the network' You have received this E-news because your organisation or institution is listed in the UNITED online database and/or Addressbook Against Racism; you have attended a UNITED event; have participated in a UNITED campaign; are a partner in the working fields above; and/or have expressed an interest in UNITED network's issues. If you don't want to receive E-news anymore, just let us know at with unsubscribe in the subject line. If you want to receive a copy of E-news to your own (private) email address, just send a message from that address with 'subscribe' in the subject line. (UNITED does not publish private (email) addresses) ---- UNITED for Intercultural Action European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees Postbus 413 - NL 1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778 - fax +31-20-6834582 - |