Apel parteneri locali: Campania UNITED împotriva rasismului

GEYC invită organizațiile din România să se alăture Campaniei internaționale UNITED împotriva rasismului ce va avea loc în perioada 15-23 martie 2014. Evenimentele selectate vor fi promovate la nivel național și internațional și pot beneficia de până la 2 kg de materiale ale campaniei (fliere, postere etc.) în mod gratuit.

GEYC acționează ca promotor la nivel național al UNITED prin derularea campaniei ”USE - United, Stronger, European”. Scopul campaniei este de a promova toleranța, diversitatea și nondiscriminarea ca valențe ale cetățeniei europene.

Pentru a vă alătura atât campaniei internaționale, cât și celei naționale vă invităm să:
- menționați în formularul de aplicație (în secțiunea ”description”): ”This activity is part of ”USE - United, Stronger, European” national campaign run by GEYC in Romania;
- după ce trimiteți formularul de aplicație online, să ne transmiteți un e-mail la office@geyc.ro, subiect ”[USE] - Denumire partener local" cu următoarele informații: denumire eveniment, perioada, organizator, date de contact și descrierea activității spre a le include în calendarul național al campaniei;
- după realizarea evenimentului vă invităm să ne transmiteți un scurt raport de evaluare a activității (după structura pe care o considerați cea mai potrivită).

După finalizarea activității, coordonatorii de evenimente pot solicita GEYC eliberarea unei adeverințe privind rezultatele obținute pentru dosarul personal.

Această activitate face parte și din campania ”No hate speech movement” coordonată de Consiliul Europei și sprijinită de GEYC în România și la nivelul Uniunii Europene. Află mai multe despre implicarea GEYC de până acum în cadrul campaniei.
De asemenea, GEYC și GEYC Resources Center vă pune la dispoziție o serie de resurse dedicate în domeniul drepturilor omului

Mai multe informații despre campania internațională și despre înscriere:

Diversity = Strength
15-23 March 2014 European-wide Action Week Against Racism


JOIN! - organise a simple local or online event.
INFORM! - us about your activity with the form and it will be promoted on the online event map.
ORDER! - UNITED can send you up to 2 kilo free campaign posters (1).
LIKE! - Facebook UnitedActionWeek and follow the campaign.
CHECK! - weekagainstracism.eu for the online event map
TWEET! - about your activity with #ARW14

Europe is today facing many forms of racism, hate speech, xenophobia, anti-migrant attitude and a growth of right-wing populism. These phenomena go straight against the very essence and central idea of what Europe was all about when it was being built after WW II: cooperation, solidarity, diversity, peace.
Minority groups in Europe face growing racist violence, suffer under racial profiling and policing, and are excluded from having equal access to services like housing, employment, health care and education. Stereotypes are artificially created and promoted by defamatory media coverage. Hate speech is the language of extremists and populist politicians. The impact of racism and discrimination on our societies today is significant: It affects all of us in various ways - whether we are its subjects or objects - making social cohesion impossible and paving the way for conflict.
read more

See the Strength in Diversity! 
We can counter this negative spiral. During the European Action Week Against Racism we can spread our own message of solidarity, and show Europe that diversity makes us stronger. This is the moment to make our voice heard and change the current atmosphere.
Diversity means seeing your surroundings from different perspectives, which makes us more flexible when finding solutions to the difficulties we now face. Allow space for diversity and find there is a lot to explore, to understand, and to learn from each other. Using the strength of diversity makes us more able to cope with a rapidly changing world. Being open for diversity – within Europe, your country, your society, your neighbourhood, and yourself – strengthens the social cohesion we need to tackle the current atmosphere.

JOIN the 2014 Campaign!

We Do Fit Together !
Action should be taken on all levels in Europe, from local neighbourhoods to European institutions. We need to show the people around us that we can all live side by side. By helping each other and standing up for the “other” we can make a difference and turn the economic, social and political tides. We believe in a future without discrimination and exclusion, and with intercultural respect, solidarity and equal rights. With this goal, we stand UNITED in our struggle to see the strength of diversity.
What we need most is the courage to speak out against exclusion, discrimination, hate and racism wherever we see it: in our streets, at our schools, on the Internet or within our institutions and governments.

Cities of Europe, take a stand against racism

We also call on European cities to take a stand against racism. We need their positive vision for Europe! To do this we ask you to approach your city government –especially the mayors of cities – and ask them for a statement for the campaign site and to take a simple, no cost, action in your city.
Grassroots activism and NGOs are essential in building a fair society for all. But support from city mayors and local government can help make sure the message is clear: "We Do Fit Together".
See HOW at weekagainstracism.eu/cities/ 

15-23 March 2014 European-wide Action Week Against Racism

Since the early 1990s, UNITED has coordinated and inspired annual pan-European activities promoting diversity to mark 21 March. Take this opportunity and be part of the European Action Week Against Racism. In this week hundreds of organisations and 100.000s of activists throughout Europe join forces across borders to raise awareness about the issues mentioned and celebrate diversity. We will not watch in silence as intolerance is dictating our lives. On the contrary we will raise our voices against inequality and discrimination. Our message needs to be visible to be recognised and therefore the movement depends on your support. Organise an activity and have an enormous impact on creating cohesion, establishing intercultural dialogue and spreading the antiracist agenda.
Don't forget: Even small acts change the world!
Combining all different pieces we show that we DO fit together, and that together we are stronger!

Why 21 March?

The General Assembly of the United Nations declared 21 March the International Day for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination. This day was implemented as a reaction to the brutal murder of 69 anti-apartheid demonstrators in Sharpeville (South Africa) in 1960. Apartheid was a legal system of systematic racial segregation and inequality enforced by the government of South Africa from 1948 up to 1990. Today racist violence and murders are still frequent and discrimination continues to be found at every level of our societies.

Every year around 21 March, UNITED coordinates the European-wide Action Week Against Racism. Activists, NGOs, universities, schools, municipalities and a wide variety of different organisations carry out hundreds of activities all around Europe in order to bring an end to racism, discrimination and intolerance. The actions actively engage and involve thousands of people all over Europe to take a stand for diversity. The activities range from poster actions in schools, public transport and working places, to intercultural youth festivals, street actions, lectures, human libraries, film screenings, conferences, multicultural football games, making murals for diversity, or cleaning the walls from racist graffiti, presenting reports on racism, and many, many more.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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