Call for 5 Romanian participants: Training Course in Rudnik, Serbia (19-27 May 2016)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "Sustainable development and youth work" European project that will take place in Rudnik, Serbia from 19 to 27 May 2016. The main aim of the traing course is to to develop competencies of the participants in the field of sustainable development with focus on raising their competences to create projects motivating public to life more sustainable lifestyle, Deadline: 25 March 2016 | Apply now!

Please notice that this call is for Romanian participants only. Other applications will not be considered.
Deadline: 25 March 2016 | Apply now!

Rudnik Mountain

Mountin Rudnik, which commands central Serbia, is situated 100 km south of Belgrade. Its highest peak is the Cvijic Peak (at 1132 meters above sea level), and the Srednji and Mali Šturac, Molitve, Paljevine and Marijanac peaks are all more than 1000 meters high. Roads to Mt Rudnik are good. Some of the advantages of Mt Rudnik are its proximity to historic sites such as Oplenac, Takovo, Vracevšnica Convent, Voljavca, Nikolje and the monasteries of the Ovcar and Kablar gorge, as well as its nice climate, clean air and numerous walking paths. In central part of Mt Rudnik is small towen with sam name Rudnik. Rudnik is small village in municipality Gornji Milanovac in central part of Serbia.

Overall project:
Seeds for Sustainable Development focus on the issue of sustainable development and aims to make citizens aware about their impact on the environment, their role in the process of creating sustainable future and their options for making more sustainable choices, as well as to enhance the capacities of various stakeholders (non-governmental organizations, local municipalities, businesses) implemented sustainable development in their practices.

Project partners: 
Volonterski centar Skoplje (Macedonia)
Youth center Kosmos (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 
Udruga Argonauta (Croatia)
Experimentáculo Associação Cultural (Portugal)
Asociatia GEYC (Romania)
Ritam zdravlja (Serbia)
Environment Engineering Group (Serbia)

The project consists of 3 mobility activities: 

-training course (19/27.05.2016. Rudnik, Serbia) aiming to develop competencies of the participants in the field of sustainable development with focus on raising their competences to create projects motivating public to life more sustainable lifestyle; Project name: Sustainable development and youth work

-youth exchange (3/11.09.2016. Rudnik, Serbia) designed to raise awareness about sustainable development especially among rural youth who is lacking opportunities to attend activities giving them possibilities for personal and professional development; Project name: Youth and sustainable development

-job shadowing (15/25.10.2016. Jazak, Serbia) that is included in the project with aim to provide individuals from participating organizations an opportunity to spend 10 days in participating organization and learn from their practice.

Through this call, GEYC is selecting participants only for the training course (19/27.05.2016. Rudnik, Serbia), if you wish to participate in the youth exchange or/and job shadowing please follow in order to get updates. 

The person with the most outstanding participation in the training course "Sustainable development and youth work", will have the chance to participate in the second activity (youth exchange, 3/11.09.2016. Rudnik, Serbia) as a group leader.

All activities will be based on non-formal approach and aims to meeting following objectives: to strengthened knowledge of the participants and participating organizations in the field of sustainable development and it is various aspects including social dimension of sustainable development; to provide the participants space to increase their knowledge about the issue of science, technology and innovation (STI) in sustainable development and encourage them to reflect on the ways how they can integrate STI in their practices; to increase participants understanding of grassroots innovations for sustainable development and encourage them implement these practices in their realities and to help the participants to realize their own role in the process of creating sustainable societies and promote their active involvement in solving environment issues and challenges.

Key products of the project will be video tutorial, handbook of good practices and video clip. All products will be develop with aim to raise awareness about sustainable development among wide public and motivate citizens, institutions and organizations to implement sustainable development in their daily practices.

Available places:
-4 participants with no age limit selected through this call
-1 participant will be invited through our policy "By invitation only"

What does “By invitation only” means?
Persons that have active participation in GEYC’s activities, they contributed to the growth of GEYC Community or they noted ramarkable desire to be involved in GEYC’s projects, have the chance to be invited in GEYC’s Mobility Projects (guaranteed participation) without going through the selection process. Want to be among those active volunteers or you want to find new opportunities everyday? Join GEYC Community and let your dreams come true.

Selection criteria
-English language
-gender balance

-minimum 18 years old
-personal and professional motivation
-GEYC volunteers and GEYC Community applicants will have priority to participate

Deadline: 25 March 2016 | Apply now!


  • until 25 March 2016: submitting the application form
  • between 26 March-10 April 2016: selection of participants, notifications and confirmations (paying the participation fee - please notice that the participation fee is non-reimbursable) 
    Note: if you won't receive an e-mail by 10 April 2016, it means that we found other suitable candidates for this project. 
  • by 25 April 2016: arranging the travel details (please be ready to cover your travel costs - the reimbursement will be done by bank transfer upon returning and after the proof of original tickets). GEYC will support you throughout the booking process and the reimbursement procedure;
  • between 19-27.05.2016: the training course takes place;

  • Financial details:
    The organizers will cover the following costs with the support of the European Commission: 
    • 100% of meals, accommodation, activities costs; 
    • Transport cost up to 180 EUR per participants (Note: the reimbursement will be done after the project by bank transfer)
    Participants will be required to cover: 
    • a cofinance covering administrative costs for this project (the fee will be paid in RON, by bank transfer; the fee will be paid after the participants are selected). Please don't pay any fee before you receive the confirmation e-mail): 135 RON (30 EURO) for GEYC Community (please note that for this call we will consider the members that joined the Community before March 9th, 2016) applicants and 225 RON (50 EUR) for other applicants (GEYC active volunteers are not required to pay the participation fee); The fee is calculated at a fixed exchange rate (EUR=4.5 RON)
    • (if needed) transport cost - the amount exceeding 275 EUR
    • (if needed) medical insurance; 
    • (if needed) any other personal costs.

    Relevant information 
    • In order to start their travel, Romanian participants should own a valid ID or passport.
    • Arrangements regarding medical insurance are the responsibility of the participants.
    • In order to be reimbursed, Romanian participants should start their travel from Romania.
    • Please make sure you have read and accepted the terms and conditions of GEYC European mobility programs before you apply
    • The refund for the travel will be made by bank transfer upon returning home
    • Accomodation will be at Hotel NEDA
    • Bring: typical food/drinks, music from Romania, pictures etc. to present at the Intercultural Night and good walking shoes

    Deadline: 25 March 2016 | Apply now!

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us through the Contact form or by Facebook (as a private message). Please mention ”Sustainable development Training” when you contact us.

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    GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

    Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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