Showing posts with label youth project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth project. Show all posts

YE: „Be the change” - Nasutow, Polonia

În urma participării în cadrul proiectului “Be the change” desfăşurat între 22 şi 29 aprilie în Nasutow, Polonia am dori să împărtăşim o parte din experienţa şi trăirile pe care le-am avut.

Growing Tree

During the 16th and the 25th of July 2016, three participants have represented GEYC in Horni Maršov (Czech Republic), attending ''Growing Tree Training Course'', project financed through Erasmus+ Programme.

EQYP - Story of Day 1

The first day of the EQYP project was full of activities which gave us the chance to meet the other participants, discover their characters and open the door to the EQYP project and the Erasmus+ Programme.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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