Showing posts with label youth mobility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth mobility. Show all posts

TC - "Englishman in Youth Work", Poronin, Poland

The TC "Englishman in Youth Work" was an international project attended by over 20 participants sent by partner organizations from Poland, Turkey, Macedonia, Romania, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania and Italy. The Romanian team was represented by two people sent by GEYC after a careful evaluation process. 

Call for 11 Romanian participants: youth exchange in Vasarosnameny, Hungary (29 June-10 July 2015)

GEYC is selecting 10 Romanian participants plus one team leader with no age limit, to take part in the “Image in” European project that will take place in Vasarosnameny, Hungary from 29th June until 10th of July 2015. The youth exchange is focused on photography, journalism, video shooting. Deadline: May, 10th, 2015

Apel participanți: Adu Europa mai aproape de tine - European Mobility, 4 aprilie 2015, București

Pe 4 aprilie 2015, GEYC te provoacă să iei parte la cea de-a 4-a ediție a evenimentului European Mobility. Activitatea îți va prezenta cum poți lua parte la oportunitățile aduse de programul Erasmus+, să călătorești, să înveți și să te descoperi în cadrul Uniunii Europene.

You will not always be this curious or why the European Commission is Europe’s godmother.

Find out more about Erasmus+ and how GEYC can assist you in order to get informed and get engaged!

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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