Showing posts with label immigrant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immigrant. Show all posts

TC-Holloko, Hungary

The EducatiON line training course, held between 29.05-04.06 2018 in Holloko, Hungary, was truly a project of diversity and multiculturalism. Even if there were five participating countries, the participants came from 12 different countries, from 3 parts of the world: Europe, Asia and South America. 

YE: Global Intercultural Warming against Youth Radicalization- Zakopane, Poland

’’Zakopane, sosim! ’’, acesta a fost gândul nostru în dimineața zilei de 31.05.2017. Ca să fim pe deplin sinceri, mai  întâi a fost ’’Varșovia, bine te-am găsit!’’, ’’Cracovia, ești foarte frumoasă!’’, pentru ca între 2-10 iunie să poposim în Zakopane,  la poalele munților Tatra, alături de alți 30 de participant din alte 6 țări ale Uniunii Europene, pentru a dezbate situația imigranților și a refugiaților în Europa astăzi, cât și problema radicalizării. 

Define me if you can! - european youth exchange

Between October, 31st and November, 8th 2010, GEYC participated to ”Define me if you can” - an european youth exchange in the frame of EU ”Youth in action” Program being held in the scouts camp of Ilion, Athens, Greece.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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