As the issue of refugees/migrants has become one of the main global and European challenges and efficient communication on such a hot topic is a difficult task, RefugeE++ is a 7-day youth workers mobility, involving 13 partner organizations and 30 youth workers, aiming to create for youth workers from participant organizations, a professional intercultural space to develop competences, share best practices and network, regarding how to efficiently communicate, make visible and disseminate results of E+ projects dealing with refugees/migrants issues, both online and offline. The project is a follow-up of RefugE+ project, a 6-day-mobility for youth workers under E+, KA1, which aimed to train youth workers in the project management field and raise their awareness on the refugee/migrants topic.
The project was implemented by Freeminds in action (IT) and GEYC (RO) with the support of 11 other European organisations under Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.
The objectives of the project are:
O1 - Developing youth workers' competences to design, plan, implement & evaluate a communication strategy for projects dealing with refugees/ migrants
O2 - Empowering youth workers with practical skills in order to increase the visibility, dissemination and exploitation of results of E+ projects focused on migration
O3 - Increasing digital communication skills of youth workers dealing with refugees/ migrants
O4 - Fostering collaboration in the field of communication between NGOs dealing with refugees/ migrants at European level
Moreover, we have organized a Round table with stakeholders in the field of migration.
At individual level, we envisaged to improve key competences to deal with the communication, visibility and DEoR of projects related to refugees/ migrants, practical skills to use digital tools in order to improve the communication strategy of their E+ projects, a broader understanding of practices and policies related to refugees/ migrants across Europe, as well as of non-formal education and E+ Program. For the partner organisations, the expected impact is a better visibility and increased capacity to operate at EU level, new E+ partnerships, good practices and new methods to be integrated into daily activities. Due to that, at local and regional level of each partner organization, we envisage to create a positive change in the work with refugees/ migrants through more qualitative activities. This will lead, on the long term, to an improvement of the endeavours of the organizations that deal with refugees/ migrants and a betterment of these groups’ inclusion.