S.M.Y.L.E. - Project description

S.M.Y.L.E. – Social Media & Youth - Learning for Employment project is a ”Youth in action” youth exchange (1.1) organized by GEYC in Bucharest, Romania, between 6-14 October 2013. 

The project will involve 25 young people (4 + 1 group leader from each country) coming from United Kingdom, Italy, Romania, Estonia and Denmark. The participants are coming from a complex fewer opportunities background.

Youth employment is one of the most debated issues at local, national, and European level. The project aims to raise youth employability in the context of using new media technologies (social media and multimedia).

1. Development of digital competences by using new media tools.
2. Development of intrapersonal (self-awareness) and interpersonal (dialog and team work) communication skills.
3. Increase the level of understanding regarding EU youth unemployment. 
4. Increasing awareness of cultural diversity within the European Union.

In order to achieve the objectives, the project will be a series of complex activities aimed to alternate the theoretical inputs with the practicalities. The most relevant activities are:
- SAT – Self-Awareness: Personal SWOT Analysis, Personality test – MBTI and Belbin Team Roles
- Barriers in communication
- European Parliament Simulation - Presentation regarding EU unemployment,  National youth unemployment
- How new media changes our way of living
- Your digital identity vs your privacy  
- Intercultural night
- Video CV or Linkedin CV
- Skype interview -Role play
- Bucharest - Culture and Civilization

In the project we will be use several methods of non-formal education like energizers, name games, ice-breakers, teamwork in intercultural subgroups, forum theater, debates, SAT – Self-Awareness Test.


S.M.Y.L.E. project (RO-11-E152-2013-R2) is co-financed by the European Commission through ”Youth in action” program (1.1). The content of this material does not necesarely reflect the official position of the European Union, the entire responsibility being taken by its author (GEYC association).

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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