Showing posts with label multimedia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multimedia. Show all posts

Let's Get Visible

From October 26th to November 4th 2015, GEYC takes part to "Let's Get Visible" in Vadul lui Vodă, Moldova. 
This is a training course organized in the frame of Erasmus+ programme being dedicated to youth workers that would like to improve their digital skills and knowledge in social media tools.
For NGOs, communication and transparency are key tools for building trust and attracting external support for their cause.

Campania SMYLE: seminarul „SMYLE-pentru o viaţă mai bună" şi campania „Importanţa competenţelor digitale pentru angajabilitate", Ploieşti

SMYLE la Ploiești! Elevii Colegiului Naţional Al. I. Cuza" din Ploiești au luat parte la un evenimentul marca GEYC, orgaizat sub îndrumarea profesorilor, urmând ca această activitate să se extindă şi în alte licee din oraş.

S.M.Y.L.E. - Descrierea proiectului

Proiectul S.M.Y.L.E. - Social Media & Youth - Learning for Employment este un schimb de tineri (1.1) organizat de asociația GEYC în București, România, ce va avea loc în perioada 6-14 octombrie 2013.

S.M.Y.L.E. - Project description

S.M.Y.L.E. – Social Media & Youth - Learning for Employment project is a ”Youth in action” youth exchange (1.1) organized by GEYC in Bucharest, Romania, between 6-14 October 2013. 

Call for partners - SMYLE (YiA, 1.1) - a youth exchange on youth employment through new media skills

GEYC is looking for partners coming from Program countries in order to apply at 01/05 deadline for ”S.M.Y.L.E. – Social Media & Youth - Learning for Employment”, a ”Youth in action” youth exchange (1.1) organized in Bucharest, Romania, between 6-14 October 2013. The project aims to raise youth employability in the context of using new media technologies (social media and multimedia).

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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