Call for partners - SMYLE (YiA, 1.1) - a youth exchange on youth employment through new media skills

GEYC is looking for partners coming from Program countries in order to apply at 01/05 deadline for ”S.M.Y.L.E. – Social Media & Youth - Learning for Employment”, a ”Youth in action” youth exchange (1.1) organized in Bucharest, Romania, between 6-14 October 2013. The project aims to raise youth employability in the context of using new media technologies (social media and multimedia).

DEADLINE: 07/04/2013 - The application process is now closed
(application submitted after the deadline will not be considered)

The development of new media technology has deeply changed our way of living and communicating.
Nowadays, young people spend a lot of time online which could be an incentive to use social media and multimedia tools in everything they do. European Union is confronting a severe crisis regarding youth unemployment. In the same time, many employers ask for digital skills which many young people lack. 

Increasing the employability of young people, in the context of using new media technology (social media and multimedia). 

  1. Development of digital competences by using new media tools.
  2. Development of intrapersonal (self-awareness) and interpersonal (dialog and team work) communication skills.
  3. Increase the level of understanding regarding EU youth unemployment. 
  4. Increasing awareness of cultural diversity within the European Union.
Location: Bucharest region, Romania
Dates: 6-14 October 2013 (youth exchange) and 5-8 September 2013 (APV - advanced planning visit)
Language: English

The project activities will improve the digital skills of the participants (by providing social media and multimedia tools) in order to raise their employability and their feeling of European citizenship. They will learn more about themselves and about working in a team, they will asses their competencies, they will use photos, Facebook and other new media tools in order to create a better image online for their future employers. 

Eligibility of the partners
Partners should fulfill the following conditions:
  • to be resident in an EU member state, in EFTA countries or in candidate countries (Turkey and Croatia);
  • to be an NGO, a public authority, a body active at European level or an informal group (ATTENTION! Schools are not eligible partners for Youth in action program);

Each partner will be represented by 4 participants (2 female, 2 male - gender balance) and one group leader. The following conditions apply:
  • participants and group leader should be interested in using new media tools and should have a minimum digital literacy (using computers, internet, social networks etc.);
  • participants and group leader should be able to fully participate to project activities;
  • participants and group leader should be able to communicate in English;
  • age range: 18-25 years (for participants) and over 18 (for group leader);
  • participants and group leader should be legally resident in the country of the promoter;

Application form timeline:
  • until 07/04/2013 - submission of application forms (Subject: SMYLE - Your country, e-mail address: roxana.constantin (at);
  • 08-09/04/2013 - application forms evaluation;
  • 10/04/2013 - communication of results;
  • 11-21/04/2013 - project development with selected partners (using Skype/Facebook);
  • 22/04/2013 - submission of contracts to be signed by partners;
  • 23-25/04/2013 - each partner should print, sign, stamp, scan and send back by e-mail the contracts. If everything is ok, partner will be requested to imediattely submit the contract by registered post-mail; 
  • until 01/05/2013 - the application form will be submitted to Romanian National Agency;

For further information, please contact Ms. Andreea-Roxana Constantin, Project Manager at roxana.constantin (at)

Available downloads:

Our organization is very active in using new media tools for young people. For example, we have recently GEYC Center of Resources, a free online platform to offer new media resources to young people and non profits. Check it out!

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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