Survey: Internship Experience in Europe

GEYC supports ”Internship Experience in Europe” - a survey organized by European Youth Forum in order to have a better understanding on internships  in Europe.

(Romanian version below)
European Youth Forum ( is taking up an initiative with other partners to improve the situation of internships in Europe. Internships should provide a learning experience for young people to facilitate successful integration into the labour market; however, there has been an increased prevalence of internships serving as precarious employment for young people―a cheap way to substitute workforce. In addition, young interns are performing tasks that do not contribute to professional development.

To combat this trend, there is an urgent need to properly identify the scope of the problem, therefore European Youth Forum has created a simple survey (in English) on internship experiences in Europe. This data will provide a better representation of the real situation of internships regarding access to internships, mentoring, remuneration and job opportunities. Such data will help to advocate Europe-wide for a more beneficial internship experience and transition from education to employment for young people and further confirm the need for a European Quality Charter Internships that establishes quality guidelines for internships across Europe.

So help us spread this survey, by sending the link to your friends, contacts and fellow interns!


European Youth Forum (Forumul European al Tineretului) ( lucreaza cu parteneri sai pentru a imbunatatii conditiile de formare in Europa si de a facilita integrarea tinerilor pe piata fortei de munca.

Astazi, stagiile devin din ce in ce in ce mai precare, sunt folosite ca un substitut pentru ocuparea fortei de munca pentru tineri, pentru furnizarea de forta de munca ieftina, iar tineri studenti sunt adesea limitati la
sarcini care nu contribuie la dezvoltarea lor profesionala.

Pentru a inversa aceasta tendinta, este urgent identificarea problemei. Acesta este motivul pentru care Forumul European al Tineretului a creat un sondaj (in limba engleza) cu privire la conditiile de calificare in Europa. Datele colectate vor reflecta mai bine realitatea stagiilor, inclusiv accesibilitatea lor, oferirea de
suport pedagocic pentru stagiari, plata acestora si perspectivele ocuparii fortei de munca ca un rezultat.

Aceste date vor fi de asemenea utile sa se creeze in intreaga Europa conditii mai bune pentru tranzitia de la educatie la locul de munca si sa reafirme necesitatea de a stabili standarde de calitate pentru stagiile in Europa si de o Carta Europeana privind calitatea de destinatii de plasare pentru stagiari.

Ajutati-ne sa promovam acest studiu prin trimiterea hyperlinkului de mai jos si altor persoane interesate!

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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