Showing posts sorted by relevance for query moldova. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query moldova. Sort by date Show all posts

24 November 2017

Empowering civil society organizations to work with refugees

Over the past few years around 66 million people were forced to leave their home due to conflicts, wars, natural disasters and persecution - approximately one of every 113 people on the planet. Only in the first half of 2017, over 105.000 refugees and migrants arrived to Europe. After crossing international borders their future was unknown. Thus, there was a clear need of support and assistance to refugees and asylum- seekers so they adopt in the hosting countries and build their future.

01 September 2016

GEYC's added value to ''Balkan without hate'' Project

At GEYC we believe that the quality of a project should also be visible in the partners' contributions. Each one can add value by efficiently communicating with the organizers and other partners, choosing the most relevant participants, increasing visibility, disseminating and multiplying the results through local activities and generating follow-up events. This year, we were partners along with other 6 NGOs from 6 countries in Balkans without hate Project. And we've put into practice what we preach. 

16 January 2015

Why participating in MUNs/MEUs is one of the best decisions you could ever make

Are you interested in international affairs?
Did you always want to try debating in a multinational context?
GEYC is here to give you some more info about some of the best political simulations available at the moment.

21 April 2019

Mr Gabriel BREZOIU - General Manager of GEYC is nominated for a place in the Advisory Council on Youth (Council of Europe)

GEYC and PRISMA European Network are supporting the nomination of Mr Gabriel Brezoiu as a non-compensated member of the Advisory Council on Youth (Council of Europe) for the period 2020-2021. Would you like to support it as well? Learn more about our call and sign the letter bellow.

29 October 2015

Let's Get Visible

From October 26th to November 4th 2015, GEYC takes part to "Let's Get Visible" in Vadul lui Vodă, Moldova. 
This is a training course organized in the frame of Erasmus+ programme being dedicated to youth workers that would like to improve their digital skills and knowledge in social media tools.
For NGOs, communication and transparency are key tools for building trust and attracting external support for their cause.

15 February 2019

European Mobility Cafe sau cum să aducem mobilitățile europene mai aproape de tineri

Formatul evenimentelor European Mobility Cafe ne permite să creăm un spațiu prietenos unde tinerii pot să se informeze, pot împărtăși idei și experiențe de mobilitate europeană și pot intra în contact cu alți membri ai Comunității GEYC.

03 May 2018

TC - "Training for trainers", Vienna, Austria

Three enthusiastic GEYCuleti spent a week in Vienna attending a training course organized by Mladiinfo Austria aimed to help them become better trainers. They got the chance to learn new things from and with other experienced speakers, facilitators and colleagues and, in the end, they were left with one of the most exciting stories to tell.

31 May 2019

Tamara in the new GEYC Board of Directors

Tamara is one of the alumni of #SupportMoldova programme (2016-2018). She is passionate about political sciences & European institutions and she is one of our most visible members in the #GEYC Community in #Iasi. During her early years back in #Moldova, Tamara was a National Winner of the #DiamondChallenge for social entrepreneurs. She believes that young people should get more involved and take part actively to the democratic life.

Let's discover together her plans for the next 2 years in the #GEYCBoard.

03 September 2015

"No hate" X 3: formare, implicare, schimb de bune practici

Andreea, Georgiana și Cristina tocmai și-au început Fellowship-ul european pe tema drepturilor omului printr-un program de formare găzduit în Bulgaria. Programul se desfășoară în cadrul unui proiect Erasmus+ ce se va derula pe parcursul anului 2015 incluzând activități locale de diseminare de rezultate și un seminar de schimb de bune practici în Tbilisi, Georgia. 
Programul de Fellowship european este prima inițiativă de acest tip a GEYC și își propune să concerteze eforturile și resursele organizației pe un domeniu prioritar de intervenție - drepturile omului.

07 August 2016

Growing Tree

During the 16th and the 25th of July 2016, three participants have represented GEYC in Horni Maršov (Czech Republic), attending ''Growing Tree Training Course'', project financed through Erasmus+ Programme.

22 November 2018

The mobilities of the KA2 project "International Youth Studies" - That's a wrap!

InYouS project, which started in April 2018, aims to ameliorate the recognition of youth work and non-formal education through development of certified “International youth studies” curricula (and organizing a distance-learning course for youth workers) and open educational materials for European Higher Education Institutions. 

17 February 2020

Redirecționează și tu 3,5% din impozitul pe venit către GEYC!

3,5% pentru tineret, 100% pentru România!
Redirecționează 3,5% din impozitul pe venit deja achitat către Bugetul de stat și sprijină dezvoltarea personală și profesională a peste 3600 de tineri, cadre didactice și lucrători de tineret din România și Republica Moldova.

08 January 2016

EQYP: Project description

"European Quality in Youth Projects (EQYP)" is a mobility of youth workers under Erasmus+ (Eastern Partnership), KA1, Youth aimed to train youth workers in the quality management field and to develop a quality standard for youth projects (called "EQYP"). The project will include a training course aimed to tackle the main fields of focus regarding youth project quality and a seminar during which a European Quality Standard will be created. The project is implemented by 11 organisations leaded by GEYC and is co-financed by the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme.

18 June 2017

YE: Global Intercultural Warming against Youth Radicalization- Zakopane, Poland

’’Zakopane, sosim! ’’, acesta a fost gândul nostru în dimineața zilei de 31.05.2017. Ca să fim pe deplin sinceri, mai  întâi a fost ’’Varșovia, bine te-am găsit!’’, ’’Cracovia, ești foarte frumoasă!’’, pentru ca între 2-10 iunie să poposim în Zakopane,  la poalele munților Tatra, alături de alți 30 de participant din alte 6 țări ale Uniunii Europene, pentru a dezbate situația imigranților și a refugiaților în Europa astăzi, cât și problema radicalizării. 

10 April 2017

"Niciodată la fel după Erasmus Plus" - Euroimpact TC in Newcastle

Ca de fiecare dată, întoarcere dintr-un proiect nu este deloc ușoară. La începutul lunii februarie, echipa GEYC formată din Ema, Nico, Albert, Vera și Andrei au participat la un training course în Newcastle, UK. Pentru ca relatarea evenimentelor, trăirilor și emoțiilor să fie cât mai autentică, fiecare dintre participanți a descris în câteva rânduri ce impact la nivel individual a avut această experiență pentru el.