Showing posts with label training course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label training course. Show all posts

28 March 2017

The 'easiest' thing I've done: having a business!

Youth Entrepreneurs’ Lab – Training course, Thessaloniki, Greece (20-28 February) was our opportunity to discover more about entrepreneurship in an intercultural environment thanks to YELAB Erasmus+ project.

26 March 2017

A seed to grow

Between the 7th and the 15th of February, three participants together with our colleague, Gabriel Brezoiu as a trainer represented GEYC for the Erasmus+ project "A seed to grow" in Marrakech, Morocco. [See English version below]

Între 7 și 15 februarie 2017, 3 participanți români alături de colegul nostru, Gabriel Brezoiu în calitate de trainer au reprezentat GEYC în cadrul cursului de formare pentru lucrători de tineret "A seed to grow", proiect finanțat prin programul Erasmus+ în orașul Marrakech, Maroc.

15 March 2017

Erasmus+ KA1 – Gadget Addiction in Teenage

GEYC took part in the Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility for youth workers project - "Gadget Addiction in Teeanage" (GATE, 2016-2-RO01-KA105-025019), financed by the European Commission and developed between September 2016 and March 2017.

08 December 2016

European Fellowship in the field of human rights - The second edition’s fellows testimonies

Five months ago, GEYC was recruiting four Romanian young people for the second edition of the European Fellowship in the field of human rights. One training course, a short film and many human rights promotion events later, our fellows are looking back upon their experiences and are now sharing them with us.

02 December 2016

Training-project management, ”Let's Play”, Cehia

Trainingul “Let’s Play” a avut loc în perioada 12-19 noiembrie, în Liberec, Cehia. Scopul acestuia a fost însuşirea competenţelor manageriale de proiect prin workshop-uri desfăşurate, atât indoor cât şi outdoor, de către 20 de tineri din Cehia, Spania, Italia, Lituania, Turcia, România, Moldova, Ucraina şi Polonia. 

26 September 2016

Amintiri din Estonia: ne-am bucurat când participanții din celelalte țări au cântat alături de noi versurile de la "O Zone- Dragostea din tei"

În perioada 11-18 septembrie 2016, 5 participanți din Comunitatea GEYC au înțeles că educația sexuală este ceva ce nu mai putem ignora. Peste 30.000 de fete minore rămân însărcinate anual în România (sursa).  De aceea, cursul de formare „From experts to sexperts” din Estonia s-a dovedit a fi o bună oportunitate de a trage un semnal de alarmă în această direcție.

22 September 2016

New project: Let's take initiative for refugees

Mr Simion Strugar, a GEYC Community member and teacher at "George Coșbuc” National College from Năsăud, Romania will participate together with other 2 youth workers to "Take initiative for refugees" training course in Izmit, Kocaeli, Turkey from 25th of October to 3rd of November 2016.

21 September 2016

Create social resources- Training Erasmus Plus

În perioada 2-9 septembrie 2016, GEYC mi-a oferit șansa de a participa la cursul “Create social resources” în Poronin, Polonia. Acest training a avut ca scop principal dezvoltarea profesională a lucrătorilor și a liderilor de tineret, mai concret dezvoltarea abilităților antreprenoriale, în special prin implicarea tinerilor cu oportunități reduse.

07 August 2016

Growing Tree

During the 16th and the 25th of July 2016, three participants have represented GEYC in Horni Maršov (Czech Republic), attending ''Growing Tree Training Course'', project financed through Erasmus+ Programme.

18 June 2016

Educație nonformală în lumea lui Harry Potter

Luna iunie nu este doar luna examenelor, ci și a noilor experiențe. Alina și Alexandra au fost împreună la proiectul "Community development intergenerational dialogue" ce a avut loc în Flaxley (Gloucestershire), UK între 31.05-08.06.2016, să vedem cu ce impresii au venit de acolo.

27 May 2016

Training for trainers: an intensive learning experience in Sweden

“Good learning never stops with the end of training course. It only begins then.”

Between 9th of May and 17th of May, GEYC took part in “T4T - Training for trainers” Erasmus+ Training Course held in Gothenburg, Sweden. The aim of the project was to train youth workers to become trainers and provide them with the theory, skills and tools necessary to design, implement and evaluate effective training programs in order to generate optimum learning outcomes and improved performance.

21 May 2016

Discover Erasmus + World

Lots of young people travelling around Europe..and you hear many of them talking about some amazing programmes, called Erasmus+. What do these actually mean?

Well...let me introduce you to Erasmus + World, which may become a lifestyle for many of you even though you might seem not so confident at the beginning. The aim of all 
Erasmus + programmes  includes the focus on promoting non-formal education and giving international young people the opportunity to discover multiculturality, to enlarge their horizons, in other words, to grow.

27 April 2016

“Stop feeling sorry, start acting” training course in Vidrike, Estonia

Do you want to find out more about youth exchanges and the amazing stories behind them? Well, Alexandra is sharing with you her amazing experience from “Stop feeling sorry, start acting” training course that took place in Vidrike, Estonia between 10-20 April 2016. 

01 April 2016

Call for 3 Romanian participants: Training Course in Flaxley (Gloucestershire), UK (31.05-08.06.2016)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Community development intergenerational dialogue" European project that will take place in Flaxley (Gloucestershire), UK between 31.05-08.06.2016. The main aim of this training course is to look particularly at intergenerational learning and dialogue as one of the means of achieving community development and cohesion. Deadline: 9 Aprilie 2016 | Apply now!

09 March 2016

Call for 5 Romanian participants: Training Course in Rudnik, Serbia (19-27 May 2016)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "Sustainable development and youth work" European project that will take place in Rudnik, Serbia from 19 to 27 May 2016. The main aim of the traing course is to to develop competencies of the participants in the field of sustainable development with focus on raising their competences to create projects motivating public to life more sustainable lifestyle, Deadline: 25 March 2016 | Apply now!

04 March 2016

Cyber bullying & The Trojan Horse

Take a ride in the Trojan Horse with the help of Local Heroes Çanakkale, and discover more about what Cyber Bullying is. Andreea was in the training course CTR+ALT+Del Cyber bullying, that reunited early in January 2016, talented youth from all over the world, to discuss ways to react to and combat cyber bullying, using a variety of original methods.

20 February 2016

The Role of Youth in Re-imagining Integration in Europe

"The Role of Youth in Re-imagining Integration in Europe; Channels to Social Inclusion and Equality for all" is a training course that took place in Manchester between 1-7 february 2016. The main purpose of this project was to encourage young people to create a much more equal and inclusive Europe. 

16 February 2016

Let's focus more on our food and health

"What's in your plate" training course - technical booklet (output)

14 February 2016

How to develop a community through the arts?

Between 18-26 January 2016, in Flaxley, Gloucestershire, UK, took place the training course ”Act for your Comunity! Training on Community development”. Andreea, one of our participants wants to share with you the story behind this project. Are you interested in finding out more? Keep reading!

30 November 2015

YOUth can do it: amintiri, emoții, prieteni din 9 țări

În perioada 16-24 noiembrie 2015, am luat parte la programul de formare destinat lucrătorilor de tineret ”YOUth can do it” găzduit la Petroșani, România de către Asociația EUROEDUAS cu sprijinul financiar al Comisiei Europene prin programul Erasmus+. Scopul proiectului a fost acela de a reuni lucrători de tineret din 9 țări pentru a conștientiza problema șomajului, pentru a-și dezvolta competențele, dar și pentru a gândi, împreună soluții creative în această direcție.