Showing posts with label educatie nonformala. Show all posts
Showing posts with label educatie nonformala. Show all posts

Body language through contemporary dance [Training Course in France]

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Your body is a voice" European project that will take place in Ganties (near Toulouse), France from 05.09 to 15.09.2016. The main aim of the training course is to to explore and introduce the participants to the practice of body language and contemporary dance as a way to reclaim one's body, to communicate, to affirm self-confidence, develop creativity and express one's identity and ideas. Deadline: Call Closed | Apply now!

Educație nonformală în lumea lui Harry Potter

Luna iunie nu este doar luna examenelor, ci și a noilor experiențe. Alina și Alexandra au fost împreună la proiectul "Community development intergenerational dialogue" ce a avut loc în Flaxley (Gloucestershire), UK între 31.05-08.06.2016, să vedem cu ce impresii au venit de acolo.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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