Showing posts with label employability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label employability. Show all posts
GEYC Community - a good practice example of digital youth work (ESPON Seminar)

YE: „Technology meet Employability” - Leptokarya, Grecia
Iniţial, trebuie să recunosc că mi-a fost puţin frică să merg într-un loc necunoscut fără să cunosc oamenii, dar m-am obişnuit foate repede. Organizatorii au fost foarte primitori şi ne-au făcut să ne simţim ca acasă. Mâncarea a fost foarte bună, am mâncat tzatziki în fiecare zi. Am cunoscut foarte mulţi oameni din diferite ţări: Grecia, Slovenia, Slovacia, Polonia și, bineînțeles, România. Am jucat foarte multe joculeţe ca să ne cunoaştem mai bine şi să ne împrietenim, am lucrat la proiecte împreună şi am învăţat lucruri noi despre culturile lor.
erasmus plus,
tehnologia digitala,
youth exchange
YE - Youth employability seeds – Our Italian adventure
The journey began for each of us in Bucharest. Early in the morning, after the long trips from our homes to the Otopeni airport, we were excited to meet each other and to share the expectations that we had from the youth exchange.
cultural nights,
erasmus plus,
youth exchange
Call for 5 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in London (suburbs), UK (1-9 Octombrie 2016)
GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "kNOw Vacancies" European project that will take place in London (suburbs), UK between 01.10-09.10.2016. The main aim of this youth exchange is to look at the labour market problems and help youth find ways to explore new avenues of employment and to know exactly where they should be looking for employment. Deadline: 8 May 2016 | Apply now!
Imperfecțiuni perfecte / Perfectly imperfect
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Echipa GEYC la seara interculturală GEYC team at the intercultural night |
Între 4 și 16 martie, cinci participanți și un lider de grup au reprezentat GEYC în Catania (Sicilia, Italia), la schimbul de tineri ''Working on getting a job'', proiect finanțat prin Programul Erasmus+.
During the 4th and the 16th of March, five participants and one group leader have represented GEYC in Catania (Sicily, Italy), attending ''Working on getting a job Youth Exchange'', project financed through Erasmus+ Program. [See English version below]
Call for 4 Romanian participants: "Youth can do it" Erasmus+ training course, 16-24 November 2015, Petroșani, Romania
GEYC launches a call for 4 Romanian participants to join "Youth can do it" training course is Petroșani, Romania from 16th to 24th of November and to get involved in the dissemination and follow-up activities. This is an Erasmus+ project that provides Youthpass certification. All related costs are covered for selected participants. Deadline to apply: 5th of September 2015.
Call for 3 Romanian participants (no age limit): training course in Larnaca, Cyprus (21-28 June 2015)
GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants to take part in the “Enter to exit mode in employability” European project that will take place in Larnca (Cyprus), from 21th until 28th of June 2015. This is a training course addressed to youth workers and youth activists. Deadline: May, 4th, 2015
Call for 2 Romanian participants: Seminar in Kalamata, Greece / December 2014
GEYC is selecting 2 Romanian participants to take
part in the “Every wall is a door” European project that will take place in Kalamata,
Greece, from 7th of December until 14th of December 2014.
Getting certified through Erasmus+
Did you know that you can get a Youthpass Certificate every time you train, volunteer or get involved in the Erasmus + programme?
Do you want to know what a Youthpass Certificate is, how can you obtain it
and why is it relevant?
Read away!
youth exchange
SMARTER project (home page)
About the project

O1. Enabling participants to use social media tools for the communication, promotion and management of their projects aiming to raise employment of young people;
O2. Stimulating participants to share their personal and professional practices in using social media in youth work through teamwork and networking;
O3. Raising the employability of the participants through improving social media skills and through personal branding;
O4. Promoting the European cooperation in the youth field by the use of social media.
The project is organized by GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change (Romania) as applicant together with GEYC Resources Center and 13 European partner organisations from France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey.
The project is financed by the European Commission through "Youth in action" programme.
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Campaign | Training | EDYS | 99 steps exhibition |
Ebook: Social Networks Management Policies
SMARTER project (RO-43-E107-2013-R3) is co-financed by the European Commission through ”Youth in action” program (4.3). The content of this material does not necesarely reflect the official position of the European Union, the entire responsibility being taken by its author (GEYC association).
Call for Maltese participants - SMARTER training course / 22-31.08.2014 / Bucharest, Romania
Are you interested in social media? Do you want to find out how social media can help you in your professional life? Are you eager to visit Romania and get to know people coming from all over Europe? Then you should apply for the SMARTER project that will take place in Bucharest in August 2014. Hurry up!
SMARTER project -
Social Media Academy: Raising Teen Employability Resources
Social Media Academy: Raising Teen Employability Resources (SMARTER) is an intensive 9 days training course for 34 participants from 14 countries (Romania, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey) and 16 organisations (non profit, bodies active at European level, informal groups).
The project will take place in Bucharest, Romania from 22th to 31st of August 2014.
Happening in Romania: More than 200 teachers take a volunteer engagement to promote digital competencies as a way to tackle youth unemployment
As part of SMYLE European project, GEYC has invited Romanian teachers to set up seminars and campaigns at local level in order to raise awareness among young people (13-30) and other stakeholders regarding the critical importance of digital skills to smooth the path to the labour market.
SMYLE European simulation: Recommendations for policy makers
To: European policy decision makers, stakeholders
Subject: Digital competencies boost youth employability
Call for Romanian participants: SMYLE European Conference
GEYC invites you to apply for SMYLE European Conference which will be held in Bucharest, Romanian on 9th of October 2013. Deadline for application: 6th of October 2013.
entrepreneurship & employability,
new media,
Call for partners: SMARTER training course in Bucharest, Romania
GEYC (Romania) and AMSED (France) are launching a call for European partners for S.M.A.R.T.E.R. - Social Media Academy : Raising Teen Employability Resources, a "Youth in action" training course which will be held from 24th to 31st of August 2014 in Bucharest, Romania.
Call for partners - SMYLE (YiA, 1.1) - a youth exchange on youth employment through new media skills
GEYC is looking for partners coming from Program countries in order to apply at 01/05 deadline for ”S.M.Y.L.E. – Social Media & Youth - Learning for Employment”, a ”Youth in action” youth exchange (1.1) organized in Bucharest, Romania, between 6-14 October 2013. The project aims to raise youth employability in the context of using new media technologies (social media and multimedia).
New Survey Launched on Non-Formal Education and Employability
GEYC supports European Youth Forum in a new survey launched on the topic of non-formal education and employability. In this research project could take part both individuals and organisations.
entrepreneurship & employability,
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |