29 August 2015

Call for 4 Romanian participants: "Youth can do it" Erasmus+ training course, 16-24 November 2015, Petroșani, Romania

GEYC launches a call for 4 Romanian participants to join "Youth can do it" training course is Petroșani, Romania from 16th to 24th of November and to get involved in the dissemination and follow-up activities. This is an Erasmus+ project that provides Youthpass certification. All related costs are covered for selected participants. Deadline to apply: 5th of September 2015.

Unemployment levels are alarmingly high, concealing many different realities and causes that often run deep” - Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, June 2013
The completed application form must be returned to: office@geyc.ro by 5th of September, 2015. Subject: “Youth can do it / App form / Your name”.

Actualizare: Cei care se vor înscrie în Comunitatea GEYC pe 5 septembrie vor beneficia de o procedură de admitere accelerată în condițiile în care îndeplinesc cei doi pași necesari pentru înscriere: completarea formularului și adăugarea la grupul de Facebook!

Youth unemployment is considered by many to be one of the most pressing issues facing European governments, and is high on the agenda of EU leaders. According to recent statistics the average EU28 youth unemployment rate (age 15-24) is equal to 23.4% with significant heterogeneity across European countries  which has been further strengthened after the economic downturn leading some advanced economies to reach the highest levels of youth unemployment ever recorded (Source: EENEE Analytical Report No. 22 prepared for the European Commission).
There are many reasons behind the problem of youth unemployment, for example: lack of particular skills, wrong educational system, mismatches between education and needs in labor market, lack of self confidence, lack of self esteem, and of course structural lack of working places. Young people are more likely to be unemployed than adults. In this context, the proposed project aims to enhance youth workers’ skills on promoting the employability of young people and organizing effective non-formal activities

The project will be based on non formal education methods.
Source: SMARTER project developed by GEYC

Aims and objectives
The general aim of this project is to provide space for youth workers, youth leaders to understand better the background and causes of long term unemployment of young people exploring the youth work activities by exploring and inventing new tools on positive thinking, empowering job seekers and fighting against social exclusion in local and transnational level. 

The main objectives of the project are :
  • O1: to train the youth leaders and youth workers as resource persons in developing the competencies to increase the youth employment
  • O2: to create partnership and to develop resources in order to facilitate the young integration on the labour market
  • O3: to promote intra and intersectorial cooperation as way to increase youth employment;
  • O4: promoting cultural diversity in a European context;

When, where?
Arrival day: 16th of November 2015
Departure day: 24th of November 2015
The activities will take place in Petroșani, Romania.
Petroșani, Romania (Source: Wikipedia)

Target group and selection criteria
  • 18-35 years old youth workers (people involved in working with young people directly);
  • members of GEYC Community. If you are not a member, please apply here for membership before you submit your application for the project;
  • location: Romania;
  • gender balance (2 male, 2 female), if possible;
  • motivation and availability to get involved into dissemination and follow-up activities;

The completed application form must be returned to: office@geyc.ro by 5th of September, 2015. Subject: “Youth can do it / App form / Your name”.

Activities and methods
The main activity of the project is the training course for youth workers, which will be hosted by Euroeduas Association from Romania in Petroșani aiming to help the young people to integrate into society and to facilitate the rapid integration of them in the local labor market;
Within the training, we will actively involve youth leaders and youth workers from 10 partner organisations  from 9 countries in which the rate of youth unemployment is high and very high, namely: Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine,Greece, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Italy, Turkey, Spain and Portugal.
The activities  from the training course  include non formal methods and development of specialized and practical information on the project theme in sessions in which the role of education in overcoming unemployment, blending between formal and non formal education, strengthening the cooperation between NGO sector and other relevant actors on the labour market for youth employment, developing the partner organisations’ capacity and others.The organisers will learn from this experience, and will develop their own awareness on the impact of youth work and non-formal learning on youth employability and will be able to provide new opportunities for a successful job market integration.
Using non-formal techniques, 44 youth workers will gain positive skills, competences and relevant experience, about how to facilitate the integration of the young people into the labour market. The project also aims to include young people with fewer opportunities.
The training activities will be leaded by our colleague, Gabriel BREZOIU.

Gabriel BREZOIU (Personal Blog | CV Linkedin) is a founding member and General Manager at GEYCSince 2008, Gabriel has managed various social projects in the nonprofit sector, planed and delivered training programs mainly on soft and project management skills development topics.
Gabriel is working with Erasmus+ projects since 2009. As a group leader he was involved in 2 youth exchanges in Italy, one in France, one in Greece and one in Bulgaria. Moreover, he is also a SALTO Youth | Trainer.

The training has a positive impact on developing the participants’ personal, social and professional competences and on developing the organisational capacity of the partners. At the end of the course, the participants will be able to develop strategies of inclusion of young people on labor market,developing own check lists and procedures for the most essential steps in next projects. On the long term, the project "Youth Can Do It" impacts in developing the capacity and cooperation among the project partners at European level in order to develop useful resources to increase the youth integration on the labour market.

Training course participants will be entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate (issued on behalf of the European Commission and recognized at European level).

Financial conditions
All related costs (accommodation, meals, training and activities, travel costs reimbursement) are covered for selected participants. Travel costs are covered on a reimbursement procedure (the participants have to advance their travel costs and will be reimbursed after presenting the justifying documents).
Please note that there is NO participation fee for this project.

Application procedure
Interested applicants should be members of the GEYC CommunityIf you are not a member, please apply here for membership before you submit your application for the project. 
The application form can be downloaded from here.
The completed application form must be returned to: office@geyc.ro by 5th of September, 2015. Subject: “Youth can do it / App form / Your name”.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us through the Contact form or by Facebook (as a private message). Please mention ”Youth can do it” when you contact us.