Showing posts with label CV social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CV social media. Show all posts

Imperfecțiuni perfecte / Perfectly imperfect

Echipa GEYC la seara interculturală
GEYC team at the intercultural night
Între 4 și 16 martie, cinci participanți și un lider de grup au reprezentat GEYC în Catania (Sicilia, Italia), la schimbul de tineri ''Working on getting a job'', proiect finanțat prin Programul Erasmus+. 

During the 4th and the 16th of March, five participants and one group leader have represented GEYC in Catania (Sicily, Italy), attending ''Working on getting a job Youth Exchange'', project financed through Erasmus+ Program. [See English version below]

Create a professional CV - Learn how to do it

Looking for a new job? Or maybe you are a graduate and now you try finding an internship? If you`ve already found your job dream, for which you are willing to apply, the next most important step is creating your CV.

People usually start panic when it goes about building the most suitable CV for a specific position. But in fact, it is not so difficult as it seems. You should only take into consideration some steps and we will help you do that.

Let's get some tools that will help you to tell a more attractive story about your professional life.

Campania SMARTER ajunge la Brasov!

În acest weekend, echipa GEYC ajunge la Brașov pentru a organiza 2 evenimente dedicate tinerilor de acolo pe teme de mare interes precum mobilitățile europene și orientarea în carieră.

Campania SMYLE: „Completarea formularelor on-line, înregistrarea ca job seeker” la Moineşti

La Liceul Teoretic „Spiru Haret” din Moinești s-a desfăşurat campania „Completarea formularelor on-line, înregistrarea ca job seeker”. La eveniment s-au dezbătut avantajele pe care le oferă social media.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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