People usually start panic when it goes about building the most suitable CV for a specific position. But in fact, it is not so difficult as it seems. You should only take into consideration some steps and we will help you do that.
Let's get some tools that will help you to tell a more attractive story about your professional life.
Let's get some tools that will help you to tell a more attractive story about your professional life.
GEYC Resources Center offers you lots of free online resources that help you create a professional CV. I will present you 3 of them. Let`s take a look:
1. CV Builder - helps you create the perfect CV in easy steps using a friendly interface.
First step is entering the website access the link and the following will appear:
After doing that, click on Create CV. You`ll see by yourself how easy it is.
This pop-up window will appear and you have to insert here your first name and also your surname. Then, click on Continue button
Here you have to select your Experience, the Career field for which you are creating your CV and also respond to an easy question regarding your work history. After that, click again on Continue.
Introduce your E-mail address and check the last line if you want to receive newsletters from the website on your e-mail address about this subject. Click on Continue and now you can start editing your CV.
The website offers you a user friendly interface and guides you through the process of creating your CV. It is so easy! Now you don`t have to worry anymore about how to do it.
If you take a look at the upper menu, you can see that you can send your CV as soon as you are done directly to your possible employer via e-mail, you can download it or print it.
2. Visual CV is another free resource that you can use also for promoting your CV via Social Media.
Step 1: Enter the website and access the link of the resource.
And click on Build a Visual CV. After that, enter the information required and click on Create.
Next step to follow is selecting the design that you will use for you CV/
After that you can start introducing the information about your work experience and education. Remember! it has to be relevant for the job you are applying for.
Hint: in order to save time, if you already have a CV saved on your computer, you can choose to import it and the information will appear on the platform. Also, if you have already a LinkedIn account, you can do the same thing by selecting Import from LinkedIn, button that you can find if you take a look at the left menu.
Does the default background not satisfy you? No worries! You can Upload a photo from your computer and use it. Don`t forget that the text has to be visible and the photo has to be appropiate with the aim of your CV.
3. ResumeUp is a tool that offers you the chance to create your online CV. If you want to improve your personal branding, then this tool is the one for you!
Enter the website access the link of the resource and click on Create
You can choose whether to build up a normal resume or an online one. As the first two resources help you understand how to create a paper format CV, I will go for the online version now.
I chose Create Manually, but you can also choose the Create Instantly alternative, in order to save time. Enter your E-mail address and your password and click on Sign up.
This is how your online CV will look at the end. So professional! The companies will be surprised by your creativity and your skills.
Hint: Europass is not the best template to use when applying for a job. At this moment almost all companies rather prefer different formats of CV instead of Europass.
Click on Edit and start introducing information in your online CV.
Following these easy steps, you will do it faster than you can even imagine.
Did you finish? If the answer is YES and if you checked twice if the information you used is correct and suitable, then you can Make it Public and start applying for internships or jobs.
And now, I only want to wish you good luck when applying for a job and remember that things get easier once you understand. For any questions, don`t hesitate to write me on the address: cristiana.lucaci@geyc.ro.