Showing posts with label european mobility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label european mobility. Show all posts

07 October 2017

Gender Justice and Equality Project [STUDY VISIT], London - UK

The first part of this project took place in Yerevan (Armenia) and it was a training course, while the second part was a study visit which took place in London (UK) . 36 participants from different European and Caucasian countries took part in the project. The main aim of the 2 stage project was to increase the awareness of youth workers and youth leaders about gender equality issues and perspectives in Europe and to provide the participants with skills to develop good quality projects locally and under the “Erasmus+” program focusing on the topic of Gender Equality. 

25 September 2017

Toolkit for Active Citizenship - YEP (Young EUROpeople)

Toolkit for Active Citizenship is an useful tool that was realized by the participants from 6 European countries during the "Young EUROpeople" youth exchange that was held in Caligari, Italy. The toolkit is available for everyone and presents in a different way the experience of all 41 participants.

05 September 2017

„Aventura #EFYL: 11 zile în paradisul Insulelor Canare” - Job Shadowing EFYL

După cum ați aflat, calătoria EFYL a continuat şi după BootCamp-ul ce a avut loc la Bucureşti, cu componenta de job shadowing într-o locaţie inedită! Astfel, 10 tineri entuziaşti şi iscusiți în frunte cu 2 lideri autentici, au pornit în data de 11 august într-o călătorie cu multe peripeții şi multe activităţi, dar plină de lecţii importante şi de momente A-H-A!

International Youth Day Statement - Gran Canaria 2017

During the "Youth, Power & Future" youth exchange that took part in the middle of August in the sunny island of Gran Canaria, GEYC team had the opportunity to celebrate the International Youth Day along with hundreds of other youngsters from different parts of the world. 

05 August 2017

TC - FEMPOWER in Armenia, Yerevan

The training course took place in Yerevan and it was aimed to enable youth workers and young leaders to feel and reflect about the power of gender. During the training we learned about gender equality issues by sharing and comparing the realities in the European Union and neighboring partner countries, and exchanging experiences, best practices and knowledge between us and our organizations on gender mainstreaming and women empowerment! 

Job Agent 007 - Bojnice, Slovakia

At SIEDAS` invitation, alongside with special agents from Slovakia, Lithuania, Croatia, Italy, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Estonia, Macedonia, Turkey and Hungary, the Romanian delegation shared their country`s realities and acknowledged the others, focusing on youth unemployment and Erasmus +. 

02 August 2017

Youth Exchange - "Europe without borders", Agros, Cyprus

Youth Exchange - "Europe without borders" was held in one of the most scenic areas in Cyprus - Agros. Romanian participants shared their experience towards this project through few lines and pictures. Let's see what happened with them during the project.

27 July 2017

Our collegue, Sabina Niculescu, shared with EFYL participants her experience in “Inclusion” TC from Vasto, Italy

Sabina Niculescu participated in the end of May to a training course organized by Associazione “Let's Keep Learning” among with other three Romanian participants. The training course focused on artistic and non-formal methods useful for facilitating the inclusion of people in disfavor.

26 July 2017

Jurnal de bord - #EUvolve - Ommen, Olanda

Aventura noastră a început în zorii dimineții de 3 iulie, când ne-am întâlnit în Aeroportul Internațional „Henri Coandă”. Acel moment a fost și cel în care am făcut cunoștință unii cu ceilalți. Poate inclusiv faptul că nu ne cunoșteam între noi înainte a făcut din această experiență una memorabilă. 

11 July 2017

YE "Bee Coins – Financial Education Debunked", Ommen, The Netherlands

Bee Coins – Financial Education Debunked project took place in a nice small and peaceful city in the Netherlands, more precisely in Ommen. The project was organized by Bees Empowered and was funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

07 July 2017

TC: „YOUth 4 Peace” - Bansko, Bulgaria

The training course “YOUth 4 Peace”, which took place in the lovely Bulgarian mountain resort of Bansko between 10-18 June 2017, aimed at covering different types of conflicts and consequently different ways of transforming conflicts through nonviolent actions. The overall emphasize of the seven days training was placed on fostering a constructive debate targeting some of the more pressing conflicts in Europe and on fueling cooperation in the youth field.

09 June 2017

TC: Empowerment for your future - Torremolinos, Spania

Începutul lunii mai se anunța a fi minunat.. și nu oricum!? Un proiect perfect într-o țară perfectă, definită de un aer latino, unde paella îmbinată cu sangria devenea cina favorită oricărei persoane care ajungea în Spania, dar nu oriunde... ci în Malaga, orașul de suflet al multor tineri.

02 June 2017

#DemosPromotori: „EU în UE - Oportunități în UE" - seminar de informare la Liceul Dante Alighieri din București

Proiectul Promotori pentru democratie a fost si anul acesta un real succes pentru GEYC. Colega noastră, Georgiana, a desfășurat pe 30 mai un seminar de informare la Liceul Dante Alighieri din București pornind de la tema EU în UE: oportunități pentru tineri în Uniunea Europeană.

17 May 2017

YE: „Be the change” - Nasutow, Polonia

În urma participării în cadrul proiectului “Be the change” desfăşurat între 22 şi 29 aprilie în Nasutow, Polonia am dori să împărtăşim o parte din experienţa şi trăirile pe care le-am avut.

01 September 2016

100 de mobilităţi pe an nu se coordonează singure. Recrutăm!

GEYC caută 3 tineri entuziaşti care să facă parte din echipa Centrului de Mobilităţi. Dacă ai factorul #MOBILIS atunci te invităm să aplici. Termen limită: 18.09.2016

25 August 2016

Time to have an entrepreneurial entry

Erasmus+ has connected until now over 500.000 of young people into volunteering programs and youth exchanges. They have had the opportunity to gain new information and to discover new sides of the world. But let`s see how a youth exchange can be for someone who has had experienced it, for participants. From 1st to 8th of August 2016, we have participated to "Entrepreneurial entry" youth exchange in Trnava, Slovakia.

13 June 2016

Înscrie-te la workshop-ul European Mobility, ed. a 14-a, București, 5 iulie 2016

Pe 5 iulie 2016, GEYC te provoacă să iei parte la cea de-a 14-a ediție a evenimentului European Mobility. Activitatea îți va prezenta cum poți lua parte la oportunitățile aduse de programul Erasmus+, să călătorești, să înveți și să te descoperi în cadrul Uniunii Europene, în special Serviciul European de Voluntariat (SEV). Activitatea reprezintă o diseminare de rezultate a proiectului Erasmus+ EQYP.  Participarea este gratuită. Locuri limitate. Înscrieri până pe 1 iulie 2016.

21 May 2016

Call for 4 Romanian participants and one group leader: Youth Exchange in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France (24.10.-30.10.2016)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants and one group leader, to take part in "Be an European citizen, become an eco-citizen" European project that will take place in La Vancelle , France from 24.10 to 30.10.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to show how to live among other Europeans citizen while respecting the sustainability in terms of the environment and economy. Deadline: 31 May 2016 | Apply now!

12 May 2016

O săptămână în Turcia | Social Detox

Alexandra a participat în luna Mai la un proiect în Turcia, unde a reprezentat GEYC. Sa vedem ce părere are despre această experiență mai ales ca este și prima de acest fel.

11 May 2016

EQYP - Story of day 5

Erasmus + is mostly about the people you meet and the beautiful things you are building together on common ground. This day was perfect for partnerships.