Time to have an entrepreneurial entry

Erasmus+ has connected until now over 500.000 of young people into volunteering programs and youth exchanges. They have had the opportunity to gain new information and to discover new sides of the world. But let`s see how a youth exchange can be for someone who has had experienced it, for participants. From 1st to 8th of August 2016, we have participated to "Entrepreneurial entry" youth exchange in Trnava, Slovakia.

“I have heard many times about the expression "youth exchange", but I have never known what it really means. But now, I am sure that I have found the best definition. A youth exchange is an experience that helps you to build your future and to improve your life. 

This exchange has had the topic "Entrepreneurial Entry" and besides the theoretical information about entrepreneurial field, I have learnt how to manage my emotions when I am speaking in front of foreign people. Also, I have had the opportunity to meet many dynamic people, who made this exchange unique and unforgettable. We have spent wonderful moments together; we have laughed a lot and had fun in the cultural nights. Those nights have helped me to discover some authentic pieces from six different cultures.  My favorite part of this youth exchange was the trip day. We have had a trip to Červený Kameň Castle, where I could admire an impressive part of Slovakia’s history. The nature which has reverberated the splendor of the castle and the cheerful company of my new friends have created a fairy tale atmosphere. If you do not trust me, just apply and see with your own eyes what an amazing experience can be a youth exchange.“- Corina Chircea 
No mobility project without intercultural nights

“Entrepreneurial Entry was my first Erasmus+ project, but certainly not the last. First thing that made me apply for this project was the topic as long as I am passionate about entrepreneurship. At that moment it seemed like the odds are with me because I found the project 1 day before the deadline. I thought it will be a great opportunity to gain more knowledge on the field and also a great life experience. The project was held in Trnava, Slovakia, a very nice city. It was nice to visit Slovakia for the first time in this context. During the project I realized how beautiful it is to work in teams with people from 6 different countries, to share experiences, information and insights from every person. This project helped me to improve some soft skills, gave me the opportunity to make new friends and also gave me the chance to make new memories. For me, this project was a powerful experience that made me aware about my “career way”, and also helped me to set some personal goals. Certainly, I want to repeat the experience and I am looking forward for getting involved in new projects!”- Ana Andrei
A youth exchange is based on non formal education methods

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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