What is healthy lifestyle?

Cosmina Moghior, has recently participated in the project "Rhythm", a youth exchange that was held in Petrosani on the topic of healthy lifestyle. Let's see some of her impressions.

For me, living a healthy life is everything. More than that, we have to combine sports with good food, in order to pump up our health, energy and mood. I also think that if we would promote healthy nutrition and sports more than the pharmacy, there would be more healthy people in this world.

Bearing in mind the importance of a healthy lifestyle and he nutritional education, and having the opportunity to be present in an young collective, in a project in Macedonia, I decided that is important to share the information that I accumulated during the project “Rhythm” from Petrosani. The audience was diverse, coming from 6 countries (Turkey, Macedonia, Romania, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Repubic) in Macedonia, in Struga. They liked the idea of combining sports with nutrition. There were a considerable number of people for whom health is the most important thing. What I liked about the Macedonian people is that they include salads in every meal of the day.

Even if almost all the people from the audience agreed with the importance of a healthy life, almost all of them were students or workers that don’t have enough time to think about the health balance in their life. They like to take into consideration the main issues of a healthy style, but  even so, they don’t reserve a great amount of time for it.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

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