Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts

EQYP Survey on Quality- ESOQ: Final Results

What does quality in youth projects mean? ESOQ aimed to give a complete answer to this question, collecting data from youth workers, NGO managers, trainers and volunteers with various socio-cultural backgrounds. We focused on EQYP 5 pillars: non-formal learning, project management, communication & PR, partnerships and financial planning. Here are the final conclusions.

Research Report: EQYP Survey on Quality (ESOQ)


Time to have an entrepreneurial entry

Erasmus+ has connected until now over 500.000 of young people into volunteering programs and youth exchanges. They have had the opportunity to gain new information and to discover new sides of the world. But let`s see how a youth exchange can be for someone who has had experienced it, for participants. From 1st to 8th of August 2016, we have participated to "Entrepreneurial entry" youth exchange in Trnava, Slovakia.

E-Workshop: "Digital democracy - From e-participation to real influence", May 21st

Join the "Digital democracy: From e-participation to real influence" E-Workshop and get the chance to receive a Certificate issued on behalf of PRISMA European Network and a Promo Pack offered by European Parliament Information Office in Romania which includes branded products: T-Shirt, USB, notebook, bookmark and pen! 

Charlemagne Youth Prize [9th edition]

This week, we have been invited by the European Parliament to take part to the ninth edition of Charlemagne Youth Prize Ceremony - an annual youth contest awarded in Aachen, Germany.

Thoughts about "Feel the Real Europe" youth exchange

Between 1-8 April 2016 took place "Feel the Real Europe" youth exchange in Poronin, Poland. Ola and Albert are sharing some thoughts about this youth exchange. Read more about the whole experience. 

“Stop feeling sorry, start acting” training course in Vidrike, Estonia

Do you want to find out more about youth exchanges and the amazing stories behind them? Well, Alexandra is sharing with you her amazing experience from “Stop feeling sorry, start acting” training course that took place in Vidrike, Estonia between 10-20 April 2016. 

Youth in CRISIS, Agros, Cyprus

Între 12 și 19 martie, în Agros, Cipru a avut loc schimbul de tineret ”Youth in CRISIS”, un proiect european care a reunit peste 50 de participanți. Tibi a decis să împărtășească experiența trăită în acest proiect prin intermediul acestui articol. Sunteți curioși să aflați mai mult?

The Role of Youth in Re-imagining Integration in Europe

"The Role of Youth in Re-imagining Integration in Europe; Channels to Social Inclusion and Equality for all" is a training course that took place in Manchester between 1-7 february 2016. The main purpose of this project was to encourage young people to create a much more equal and inclusive Europe. 

Overview: what is youth work, what is a youth worker?

Today we will come up with some clear details regarding "youth work" and "youth worker" - two concepts that tend to be overused lately, but most of the time people don't get the full overview of them.

Erasmus+ Call for partners (Programme countries) - European Digital Youth Summit (EDYS)

GEYC is looking for partners from Programme countries (please check the table below first) for European Digital Youth Summit (EDYS) mobility of youth workers in order to apply for Erasmus+ funding (KA1, first round). The activity will be hosted in Bucharest, Romania from 1st to 7th of November 2016. Deadline to apply: January, 17th, 2016

Call for participants: Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era (8-12 February 2016, Platres, Cyprus)

Future Worlds Center is inviting youth from all over Europe to participate in a global initiative that aims to reinvent a new system of governance by proposing new and innovative actions. The initiative aims to engage youth in both physical and virtual meetings with the first physical meeting taking place in Cyprus in February 2016. The initiative is supported by United Nations Democracy Fund.

Getting more active: 70 years of peace and growth

In the summer of July 2015, 33 youth workers met in Warsaw to exchange experience and knowledge. They came from 11 countries, EU members, Candidate members and neighbor countries to deeply research the topic of European Citizenship, and try to find ways to motivate the young people they work with to become more active citizens of their countries and the European Union. GEYC Community parts took part to this project and we 

Am descoperit sLOVEnia....prin dialog intercultural!

Cine nu își dorește să petreacă 10 zile pline de joc și voie bună împletite cu un dialog cultural structural, menit să atragă atenția asupra dragostei și interacțiunii armonioase dintre oameni? Poate că vrem să cooperăm și să lucrăm mult mai bine în echipă, să folosim mai mult incluziunea socială, să practicăm relaționarea și comunicarea non-violentă, să depășim prejudecățile și să creem un mediu mult mai primitor, mai împăciutor. Atunci, proiectul "A touch of sLOVEnia" a fost șansa noastră să aprofundăm aceste competențe utile nouă, într-un secol al vitezei unde accentul nu este pus pe interacțiunea între oameni!

Call for 4 Romanian participants: "Youth can do it" Erasmus+ training course, 16-24 November 2015, Petroșani, Romania

GEYC launches a call for 4 Romanian participants to join "Youth can do it" training course is Petroșani, Romania from 16th to 24th of November and to get involved in the dissemination and follow-up activities. This is an Erasmus+ project that provides Youthpass certification. All related costs are covered for selected participants. Deadline to apply: 5th of September 2015.

PRISMA project: visibility, results, impact and lessons learned

PRISMA (Projects: Resources, Insights and Management - a Social Media Approach) was a complex KA1 mobility project aiming to empower youth workers, youth leaders and project managers from 22 youth organisations from 12 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Turkey - European Union and Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia- Eastern Europe & Caucasus) to raise their project management efficiency through social media tools and networking.

Call for applicants: HR Academy

On 16th of July, GEYC will organize an intensive workshop dedicated to HR tools aiming to provide HR beginners or people interested about the field with practical tools they can immediately use in their work. The event is a dissemination of results activity of PRISMA project (co-funded by the European Commission through "Erasmus+" programme).

PRISMA European Fair & PRISMA Network Launch, 18th April 2015

EN: On 18th of April (10 am - 2 pm), at Cluj Napoca, GEYC organizes PRISMA European Fair gathering over 20 European organisations in order to bring European opportunities (traineeships, learning mobilities, volunteer stages and many others) to Cluj Napoca young people. The event is organized in the frame of the European Youth Capital - 2015 together with Share Federation. Free access.

RO: Pe 18 aprilie (10:00 - 14:00), la Cluj Napoca, GEYC organizează evenimentul ”PRISMA European Fair” aducând în fața tinerilor clujeni oportunități oferite de peste 20 de organizații europene (programe de practică, de schimb de experiență, mobilități de învățare, stagii de voluntariat și multe altele). Evenimentul se înscrie în suita activităților Capitalei Europene de Tineret - 2015 fiind organizat alături de Federația SHARE. Intrarea liberă.

Erasmus+: Learn how to effectively work in a NGO

From 18 to 25 of March, GEYC participants will attend the training course "Learn, act, grow - developing the competencies of youth workers" in Cracow, Poland. The activity will be organized in the frame of Erasmus+ programme.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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