About the project

The project aims
to empower the participants to implement employability projects at local level by using social media tools.
O1. Enabling participants to use social media tools for the communication, promotion and management of their projects aiming to raise employment of young people;
O2. Stimulating participants to share their personal and professional practices in using social media in youth work through teamwork and networking;
O3. Raising the employability of the participants through improving social media skills and through personal branding;
O4. Promoting the European cooperation in the youth field by the use of social media.
The project is organized by
GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change (Romania) as applicant together with
GEYC Resources Center and 13 European partner organisations from France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey.
The project is financed by the European Commission through "Youth in action" programme.
Ebook: Social Networks Management Policies
 | View full ebook on Slideshare |  | Download full ebook (.pdf) |
 | Download policy template (.docx) |  | View GEYC's social media policy on Slideshare |
SMARTER project (RO-43-E107-2013-R3) is co-financed by the European Commission through ”Youth in action” program (4.3). The content of this material does not necesarely reflect the official position of the European Union, the entire responsibility being taken by its author (GEYC association).