Showing posts sorted by relevance for query employability. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query employability. Sort by date Show all posts

29 July 2016

We are the champions: empowerment for employability [Training course in Italy]

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants, to take part in "We are the champions: empowerment for employability" European project that will take place in Ferrara, Italy from 27.11. to 04.12.2016. The main aim of the training course is providing youth workers with competences for supporting disadvantaged NEETs youngsters in the process of realigning their own life-paths with a view to enhancing their employability. Deadline: 9 August 2016 | Apply now!

22 May 2012

New Survey Launched on Non-Formal Education and Employability

GEYC supports European Youth Forum in a new survey launched on the topic of non-formal education and employability. In this research project could take part both individuals and organisations.

02 January 2015

Annual report 2014

In the lines below you can see a timeline of our activities in 2014.

07 March 2014

Call for Maltese participants - SMARTER training course / 22-31.08.2014 / Bucharest, Romania

Are you interested in social media? Do you want to find out how social media can help you in your professional life? Are you eager to visit Romania and get to know people coming from all over Europe? Then you should apply for the SMARTER project that will take place in Bucharest in August 2014. Hurry up! 

12 September 2013

Call for partners: SMARTER training course in Bucharest, Romania

GEYC (Romania) and AMSED (France) are launching a call for European partners for S.M.A.R.T.E.R. - Social Media Academy : Raising Teen Employability Resources, a "Youth in action" training course which will be held from 24th to 31st of August 2014 in Bucharest, Romania.

14 July 2015

Impresiile participanților proiectului Erasmus+ "Enter to Exit Mode in Employability"

Mihai, Cristina și Laura au participat la proiectul Erasmus+ „Enter to Exit Mode in Employability”, organizat de către partenerul nostru 123 Systima Proskopon Lysis în Larnaca, Cipru în perioada 21-28 iunie 2015. Proiectele Erasmus+ sunt o oportunitate excelentă de educație non-formală, de a călători, de a învăța și de a te dezvolta, totul cu cele mai mici costuri. Dacă îți dorești și tu o astfel de experiență, trebuie să știi că în secțiunea Mobility Center sunt afișate informații actualizate în permanență despre mobilitățile europene pentru care GEYC recrutează participanți. 

17 February 2014

SMARTER project -
Social Media Academy: Raising Teen Employability Resources

Social Media Academy: Raising Teen Employability Resources (SMARTER) is an intensive 9 days training course for 34 participants from 14 countries (Romania, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey) and 16 organisations (non profit, bodies active at European level, informal groups). 
The project will take place in Bucharest, Romania from 22th to 31st of August 2014.

22 July 2013

Call for Romanian participants for "Kick of" international training course in Bologna, Italy

GEYC is selecting two Romanian participants to take part at "Kick off" European project which will be held in Bologna, Italy, from 23rd of September till the 1st of October

17 April 2017

YE - Youth employability seeds – Our Italian adventure

The journey began for each of us in Bucharest. Early in the morning, after the long trips from our homes to the Otopeni airport, we were excited to meet each other and to share the expectations that we had from the youth exchange. 

05 October 2014

Apel participanți: "European Mobility - Raising your employability"

GEYC organizează pe 23 octombrie la București în cadrul Spațiului Public European evenimentul "European Mobility - Raising your employability" ce are drept scop conștientizarea importanței mobilităților europene în pregătirea pentru un loc de muncă. Evenimentul reprezintă o formă de diseminare a rezultatelor proiectului european SMARTER (Social Media Academy: Raise Teen Employability Resources) co-finanțat de Comisia Europeană prin programul „Tineret în acțiune”.

31 March 2013

Call for partners - SMYLE (YiA, 1.1) - a youth exchange on youth employment through new media skills

GEYC is looking for partners coming from Program countries in order to apply at 01/05 deadline for ”S.M.Y.L.E. – Social Media & Youth - Learning for Employment”, a ”Youth in action” youth exchange (1.1) organized in Bucharest, Romania, between 6-14 October 2013. The project aims to raise youth employability in the context of using new media technologies (social media and multimedia).

23 April 2015

Call for 3 Romanian participants (no age limit): training course in Larnaca, Cyprus (21-28 June 2015)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants to take part in the “Enter to exit mode in employability” European project that will take place in Larnca (Cyprus), from 21th until 28th of June 2015. This is a training course addressed to youth workers and youth activists. Deadline: May, 4th, 2015

15 October 2013

SMYLE European simulation: Recommendations for policy makers

To: European policy decision makers, stakeholders 

Subject: Digital competencies boost youth employability 

02 October 2014

Call for 2 Romanian participants: Seminar in Kalamata, Greece / December 2014

GEYC is selecting 2 Romanian participants to take part in the “Every wall is a door” European project that will take place in Kalamata, Greece, from 7th of December until 14th of December 2014. 

11 March 2015

Call for 4 Romanian participants: training course in Sicily, Italy (June 2015)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants to take part in the “Job Up” European project that will take place in Geraci Siculo (Sicily, Italy), from 8th until 13th of June 2015. This training course aims to boost participants employability and to prepare them to react towards unemployment.