Showing posts with label entrepreneurship & employability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entrepreneurship & employability. Show all posts

11 February 2021

[Înscrieri închise] Programul educațional pentru cadre didactice DIVERSE (Erasmus+)

15 January 2021

14 December 2020

Hackathon: EU: Africa The Post Crisis Journey

Preventing a Lockdown Generation in Europe and Central Asia: Building resilient societies with young people in the era of COVID-19

The regional report “Preventing a Lockdown Generation in Europe and Central Asia: Building Resilient societies with young people in the era of COVID-19” is the result of joint collaboration between the UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (UNICEF ECARO), the European Training Foundation (ETF) and GEYC, who was in charge of the qualitative data collection and analysis.
This report builds on wide consultations with more than 15,000 adolescents and young people from Europe and Central Asia covering, among others, their feelings about lockdown restrictions, access and participation in education, learning outcomes and the quality of teaching, as well as their views on mobility, entrepreneurship and participation. When it comes to the future, the report captures young people’s hopes and fears about deep changing societies and economies.

16 April 2020

Young Digital Leaders Curriculum 2019

Young Digital Leaders is a Europe-wide programme, developed by ISD, and supported by, that aims to empower young people through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy skills that reach beyond the classroom, so that they can be truly empowered as responsible digital leaders.
The Young Digital Leaders curriculum consists of five sessions targeted at students aged 12-15 years old. In line with the Council of Europe definition of digital citizenship, the curriculum aims to support students to: 

To achieve these aims, the curriculum offers session plans and guidance for five sessions: Critical Consumers, Resilient Citizens, Effective Communicators, Rights Experts and Digital Leaders. Across these five sessions, students will develop their knowledge of key concepts, the skills they need to identify online harms, the effective behaviours needed to interact respectfully, and the attitudes to play a positive role in the online community. 

The sessions can be adapted as needed by practitioners and are a fun, innovative and engaging way to help young people learn about digital citizenship and online leadership. This curriculum, in conjunction with the accompanying Digital Deck, provides all of the information and guidance needed to deliver the programme. 

19 January 2020

Training Course "This is the future: ideas in mind!" (Poznan, Poland - 4-12.01.2020)

"This is the future: ideas in mind!" was a mobility for youth workers under Erasmus+, KA1, bringing together 30 participants from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, Croatia and The Netherlands. The training course aimed to explain the sustainability and independence of social enterprises on real examples and transfer entrepreneurial skills such as budgeting, digital tools for promotion, and business plan creation. Moreover, It was hosted by Logos Polska in Poznan, Poland (4-12.01.2020). 

28 October 2019

GEYC Community - a good practice example of digital youth work (ESPON Seminar)

Bucharest, 30th of October 2019: The ESPON Seminar on “Shaping the “Next Economy”: The Territorial Dimension of the Future of Work in Southern Europe” will examine the territorial dimension of labour markets in Southern Europe, setting forth the need to adopt a place-sensitive approach while broadening the governance perspective for designing effective policies. Our colleague, Gabriel Brezoiu, will join as an invited expert during the second part of the seminar "Part II: Tackling Youth Unemployment: Is Enough Being Done?" presenting the example of GEYC Community as a digital youth work good practice.

16 August 2019

Seminar: [ES-265] Project Management for Young Europeans (FOYER), 04.08.2019-10.08.2019, Los Ángeles de San Rafael, Spain

28 young people gathered between 04.08.2019-10.08.2019 in Los Ángeles de San Rafael, Spain, for a seminar on the topic of project management.

12 August 2019

It's a wrap - European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) - Second Edition

European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership initiated by GEYC in 2017, under the aegis of PRISMA European Network. The second edition has taken place in the frame of the #PlayEurope project and has had the duration of 9 months (October 2018 - July 2019).

11 August 2019

Training Course: [CZ-258] Expert UP!, 14.07.2019 - 22.07.2019

27 youth workers from 9 countries took part in a training course in the Czech Republic on the topic of social entrepreneurship and digital skills.

10 August 2019

Youth Exchange: [FR-235] Are we equal? Gender equality in action, 02.03.2019-10.03.2019, La Vancelle, France

The Project “Are we equal? Gender equality in action” held in La Vancelle, France during the International Women’s week was had the objective of stimulating and advancing gender equality for 30 young Europeans from 5 different countries, in an intercultural and safe environment and to create the basis for further initiatives and cooperation in the field of creative work and human rights.