Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts

08 January 2020

We are kicking out the DIVERSE Project

Diverse project’s aim is to promote the skills of teachers to manage diversity in the classroom through methods based on storytelling (drama in education, fairy tales and digital storytelling)
The main objective of the project is to improve the management of diversity in the classroom and especially in classrooms with an increased number of children with refugee/ migrant or minority background in their school environment.

The first specific objective of the project is to support teachers and educators that are teaching in multicultural schools (school with an increased number of children with refugee/ migrant/ minority background) to develop their skills in order to promote effectively in the classroom. The second specific objective is the improvement of the social inclusion of children with refugee/ migrant or minority background in their classroom and in the society more generally. The project will focus both in elementary and secondary schools.

The project targets the teachers who are teaching in multicultural schools, as it will equip them with different tools that they can use to improve the promotion and management of diversity in multicultural classes and the children themselves, as it will allow them to learn in ways more aligned to their needs. 

The project is based on storytelling, which implies a lot of emotional involvement and allows teachers and students to understand better the different cultures, and aims to adapt and upscale three methods of telling a story: Drama in Education, activities based on fairy and folk tales and Digital Storytelling. The training of teachers on how to use these three methods of storytelling in order to promote diversity in their classroom will allow both the improvement of the intercultural competencies of the teachers and the change of attitudes of the whole classroom. This in return will contribute to the improvement of the social inclusion of the children from refugee/ migrant/ minority backgrounds.

The main activities of the project are designed in order to provide to the teachers the necessary tools in order to be able to deal with diversity in their classroom and create learning environments that will promote the effective social inclusion of all the children in a multicultural classroom.

For more information visit the projects's website or the latest news about it.

16 November 2019

Young Digital Leaders at the World Forum for Democracy

We showcased the Young Digital Leaders Project during the World Forum for Democracy, hosted by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Here's how we did and what guests wanted to know about our project.

28 October 2019

WFD2019: “Is Democracy in danger in the information age?”

This year edition of the World Forum for Democracy (WFD)
will be hosted in Strasbourg, France on 6-8 November 2019
Our colleague, Adelina DRAGOMIR will join as a speaker during LAB 1 Human 2.0 : Youth and Digital Empowerment of the World Forum for Democracy, hosted by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg between 6th and 8th November 2019.

22 October 2019

50+30 - Europe for Citizens Remembrance project

The '50+30' project refers to the remembrance of 80 passing since the beginning of WW2, The end of WW2 has led to 50 years of authoritarian regimes in many central and eastern European countries, culminating with the democratic revolutions of 1989.

31 May 2019

Tamara in the new GEYC Board of Directors

Tamara is one of the alumni of #SupportMoldova programme (2016-2018). She is passionate about political sciences & European institutions and she is one of our most visible members in the #GEYC Community in #Iasi. During her early years back in #Moldova, Tamara was a National Winner of the #DiamondChallenge for social entrepreneurs. She believes that young people should get more involved and take part actively to the democratic life.

Let's discover together her plans for the next 2 years in the #GEYCBoard.

19 March 2019

Memorial Walk through the Communist Bucharest

Last week we have organized a memorial walk of the Communist Bucharest in the context of the 9th anniversary of GEYC Community and the 30th commemoration of the 1989 Revolution in Romania.

21 February 2019

Apel înscrieri: „Promotori pentru democrație europeană”, ediția a V-a, 2019

Promotori pentru democrație europeană 2018

Ai între 18 şi 30 de ani? Eşti cetăţean/rezident al Uniunii Europene şi membru al unei asociaţii de tineret, studenţeşti sau al unui grup informal care desfăşoară acţiuni cu şi pentru tineri? Ești nerăbdător să promovezi democrația europeană și să organizezi acțiuni de comunicare pentru promovarea campaniei pentru alegerile europene, De Data Asta Votez?

GEYC Community at RAN YOUNG Empowerment Academy

RAN Young Empowerment Academy

Three GEYC Community members are setting up a local initiative in preventing and countering violent extremism (PCVE)

02 July 2018

Cea de-a cincea întâlnire organizată de Consiliul Europei cu societatea civilă romă

În perioada 21-22 iunie 2018 în Strasbourg, Loredana Dinu (Comunitatea GEYC) a luat parte la evenimentul”The 5th Dialogue Meeting”, organizat de Consiliul Europei. 

Această întâlnire a reprezentat un forum prin care toate părțile interesate au împărtășit propriile cunoșțințe și bune practici cu privire la participarea femeilor rome la viața publică și la viața politică. 

23 June 2018

YE - Level up your participation, Borsk, Poland

În perioada 23-31 mai, patru români ambiţioşi însoţiţi de Managerul General al organizației s-au bucurat de proiectul „Level Up Your Participation”, ce a avut loc în nordul Poloniei!

02 May 2018

Annual report/ Raport anual - 2017

EN: As 2018 was an amazing year for us, we want to share with you our projects, achievements and people that made every awesome thing possible. So take a look over our annual report to find out what incredible things we have achieved in the year that has passed.

RO: Pentru că 2018 a fost un an uimitor pentru noi, vrem să împărtășim care sunt proiectele, realizările și oamenii care au făcut ca toate lucrurile minunate ce s-au întâmplat să fie posibile. Aruncați o privire peste raportul nostru anual pentru a afla ce lucruri minunate am realizat în anul care a trecut.

23 April 2018

We are present at the conference “Non-formal youth work and formal youth studies”, Yerevan, Armenia

Starting from 20th of April, 4 youth workers representing GEYC are in Yerevan, Armenia, participating in the “Non-formal youth work and formal youth studies” conference, organized by the Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia. For 4 days, young people and youth workers from 13 countries have gathered to discuss about the topics of youth work and youth studies in each of their country, in order to set the ground for the development of an international Youth Studies curricula.

04 April 2018

Get involved in Youth Activists' Lab (Erasmus+)

"Youth Activists' Lab" is an Erasmus+ youth exchange gathering 36 young people and youth workers from 6 countries (France, Lebanon, Morocco, Romania, Spain and Tunisia) aiming to highlight thе powеr of activism and voluntееring for youth by еxploring ways to еngagе young pеoplе's pееrs in fighting hatе spееch and all forms of еxtrеmism. It took place in Marrakech, Morocco, from 21st to 29th of March 2018. Now, let us share with you our results!

24 February 2018

România se alătură inițiativei ”Young Digital Leaders” / Romania is now joining Young Digital Leaders

RO: Google și ISD sunt de părere că tinerii trebuie să joace un rol activ în a crea o comunitate online amuzantă, pozitivă și energică. Ne dorim să dezvoltăm competențele necesare pentru ca tinerii să facă cele mai bune decizii în mediul online. Ne referim astfel la a-i învăța cum să devină lideri digitali, nu doar niște simpli cetățeni -- să știe cum să răspundă troll-ilor din mediul online și când și unde să solicite ajutor.

EN: Google and ISD believe that young people should learn to be upstanders, not bystanders in order to create a fun, positive and vibrant community online. We want to equip young people with the necessary skills so that they can be empowered to make the right choices online. This means learning how to be a digital leader, not just citizen -- to know how to respond to trolls online, and when and where to go for help. 

29 August 2017

GEYC (Romania) & AVER (Tunisia) take part together in Anna Lindh Foundation's Euromed Exchange Programme

EN: GEYC (Romania) & AVER (Tunisia) decided to join the Euromed Exchange Programme organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation and thus to exchange experiences in the youth and cultural fields as well as to reinforce the cooperation regarding future projects.

FR: GEYC (Roumanie) et AVER (Tunisie) ont décidé de se joindre au programme d'échange Euromed organisé par la Fondation Anna Lindh et ainsi d'échanger des expériences dans les domaines de la jeunesse et de la culture, ainsi que de renforcer la coopération en ce qui concerne les projets futurs.

RO: GEYC (România) și AVER (Tunisia) au decis să se alăture programului de schimb Euromed organizat de Fundația Anna Lindh și astfel să facă schimb de experiență în domeniul tineretului și al culturii, precum și să consolideze cooperarea în ceea ce privește viitoarele proiecte.

12 April 2017

Am dat startul celei de-a treia ediție „Promotori pentru democrație europeană”

Tocmai a luat sfârșit workshop-ul de debut al proiectului „Promotori pentru democrație europeană” ajuns deja la cea de-a treia ediție. 
Proiectul organizat la inițiativa Biroului de Informare a Parlamentului European în România oferă șansa în fiecare an ca 30 de tineri promotori din întreaga țară să ducă mai departe democrația europeană în comunitățile lor.

21 December 2016

Roma Young People workshop on political participation

On 18-20 December, GEYC participated at the Workshop on political participation organized by the Forum of European Roma Young People (FERYP) in Strasbourg, France.