Showing posts sorted by relevance for query social entrepreneurship. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query social entrepreneurship. Sort by date Show all posts

Call for EVS sending partners: Erasmus+ / KA1 in Bucharest, RO

GEYC is looking for sending partners from European/Programme countries for "New Media Entrepreneurs" project which will take place in Bucharest, Romania. The application will be submitted under Erasmus+ program, KA1 to the Romanian National Agency for the 1st of October deadline.

The 'easiest' thing I've done: having a business!

Youth Entrepreneurs’ Lab – Training course, Thessaloniki, Greece (20-28 February) was our opportunity to discover more about entrepreneurship in an intercultural environment thanks to YELAB Erasmus+ project.

Annual report 2014

In the lines below you can see a timeline of our activities in 2014.

YE- "Mindful Entrepreneurship", Rokiskis, Lituania

Schimbul de tineret ‘Mindful Entrepreneurship’’ a avut loc în perioada 20-28 Seprembrie 2017, în Rokișkis, Lituania. Proiectul a fost creat pentru a facilitate cooperarea și implementarea unei idei de business urmând 5 pași (Self-Assesment, Soft skills, Hard skills, Ideas development și Idea Validation). Tehnica de bază fiind Mindfulness.

Call for partners: PRISMA, Erasmus+ (KA1) project in Romania

GEYC is looking for partners from European and neighboring countries for PRISMA (Projects: Resources, Insights and Management - a Social Media Approach) project which will take place in Romania. The application will be submitted under Erasmus+ program, KA1 to the Romanian National Agency for the 17th of March deadline.

Să fim antreprenori - povestea bulgărească

Capacitatea de a ne pune ideile în aplicare, de a pune bazele unor afaceri este însăși definiția antreprenoriatului. Luna trecută, 3 tineri din Comunitatea GEYC au avut ocazia de a explora acest domeniu, de a căpăta inspirație și noi contacte în călătoria lor spre lumea antreprenoriatului. 
Într-un cuvânt, vă spunem mai multe despre programul de formare europeană ”Social Entrepreneurship - New Opportunity” desfășurat în cadrul Erasmus+.

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace: sport as a universal language

Today, 6 April, is the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP). Every year on this date we celebrate the role of sport in our daily lives, its ability to create new relationships, a sense of community and to promote development and social change. 

Possible territories for a sustainable world

From 5th to 7th September 2011, GEYC participates to Encuentros Internacionales de Juventud (KBUNS 2011) in Gijon, Spain. On the round-table of Cabueñes will be raised issues such as environmental and social sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship in areas of employment, volunteering or new forms of participation and digital democracy. But there will be time for issues such as the way we keep interpersonal relations, education, participation, creative communication and new forms of expression of urban culture.

Bootcamp EFYL - European Fellowship on Youth Leadership - Second Edition

European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership initiated by GEYC in 2017, under the aegis of PRISMA European Network. The second edition is taking place in the frame of the #PlayEurope project and will have the duration of 9 months (October 2018 - July 2019).

Call for 6 Romanian participants: Training course in Chisinau, Moldova/October 2014

GEYC is selecting 6 Romanian participants to take part in the "Youth for Social Innovation" European project that will take place in Chisinau, Moldova from 7th  of October until 17th  of October 2014. The theme of the training course is entrepreneurship and innovation.

Youth Exchange: [RO-299] European Employment Opportunities, 30.07.2019-08.08.2019, Bucharest, Romania

Together with partners from Gran Canaria, the Canary Islands, Punto J and Procreartes, GEYC will be implementing a Youth Exchange at the end of July and beginning of August, in Bucharest, Romania. 

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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