Events archive for 2011

  • (December 19th, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) - "Social economy" seminar organized by Civitas Foundation;
  • (November 21th-25th, Bois-le-Roi, France) - Training course on the topic of youth exchanges under ”Youth in action” program; 
  • (November 10th, Bucharest, Romania) - Conference "Equality during selection process and employment period" organized by the University of Bucharest;
  • (November 4th, Iasi, Romania) - Conference "Good practices in superior education system" organized by UAIC Iasi;
  • (October 14th-21th, Roccalumera, Italy) - "Sports and social" youth exchange organized by the Muncipality of Roccalumera;
  • (October 12th-14th, Bucharest, Romania) - National Conference on Social Economy held by the Ministry of Labor;
  • (October 7th, Bucharest, Romania) - Information seminar held by Irecson Institute;
  • (September, 5th-7th, Gijon, Spain) - Encuentros Internacionales de Juventud organized by Youth Office of Gijon City Council in the frame of "Europe for Citizens" program;
  • (August, 24th-31th, Costinesti, Romania) - Summer University, Leadership module organized by National Authority for Sport and Youth;
  • (August, 17th-24th, Costinesti, Romania) - Summer University, Entrepreneurship module organized by National Authority for Sport and Youth;
  • (July, 10th-16th, Timisoara, Romania) - ”Social Economy” training program organized by the Romanian Ministry of Labor through SOPHRD; 
  • (June, 30th, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Întreprinzători în turism” conference organized by FNTM  through SOPHRD;
  • (June, 28th, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Tineri antreprenori de succes” conference organized by the Romanian Ministry of Education through SOPHRD;
  • (June, 10th, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Crisis. Change. Education” international conference organized by the Academy of Economic Studies;
  • (May, 26th, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Steps to success - project management” workshop organized by the Academy of Economic Studies;
  • (May, 20th, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Intercultural communication” workshop organized by CEnF;
  • (May, 3rd-4th, Târgoviște, Romania) - International Students Scientific Symposium ”Romania in European Union. The quality of integration” organized by the Economics Department from ”Valahia” University;
  • (April, 20th-22nd, Paris, France) -  Final Meeting of Citizen ACT competition organized by Societe Generale Group; 
  • (April, 16th, Bucharest, Romania) - Students Scientific Symposium organized by the Academy of Economic Studies;
  • (April, 13th - 15th, Bucharest, Romania) - Proud 5 - Rebranding, Conference and workshops organized by BOS Romania;
  • (April, 12th, Bucharest, Romania) - Social entrepreneurship conference ”Changemakers” organized by ASER;
  • (March, 28th - April, 17th, Bucharest, Romania) - Oratorica project (public speaking, body language, influence and persuasion) organized by ASCIG Romania in partnership with ASE; 
  • (March, 20th - April, 18th, Bucharest, Romania) - Benking challenge organized by ASER in partnership with BRD Groupe Societe Generale;
  • (February, 23th, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Iei parte, ai carte ... de munca” - a career workshop organized by Know Team; 
  • (February, 1st-2nd, Paris, France) - Opening Meeting of Citizen ACT competition organized by Societe Generale Group;
  • (January 18th, Bucharest, Romania)  - ”Wake up the money in your life” seminar;
  • (January 12th, Bucharest, Romania) - ”Romania in 2011” - a conference held by the Council of Foreign Investors in partnership with ASE and Students Senate;

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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