Together with partners from Gran Canaria, the Canary Islands, Punto J and Procreartes, GEYC will be implementing a Youth Exchange at the end of July and beginning of August, in Bucharest, Romania.
European Employment Opportunities wants to open the mind of young people in the field of employment, European mobility, the global market, the opportunities that Europe provides us, youth entrepreneurship and especially to fight against youth unemployment that exists both in Spain, and more so in the Canaries, as in Romania.
We want young people to feel European and learn and value the importance of non-formal education and learning through youth exchanges, as training tools, learning, inclusion and acquisition and improvement of useful skills for their insertion into the labour market.
GEYC representatives and young people from Gran Canria during the APV, 30th of June- 3rd of July, Bucharest, Romania: Gabriel, Alexandra, Javi, Paula, Andrea and Estefanía |
The objectives that we have set for this project are the following:
- Knowing the opportunities provided by Europe and especially Erasmus + in terms of youth, learning, training and employment
- Development of skills and competences aimed at promoting employability and socio-educational and personal development, as well as participation in social and civic life
- To provide tools and resources to improve skills and abilities for job search
- To know the new sources of employment (NYE) and the opportunities that exist in Europe in the field of youth
- Open the mind and inspire to find their vocation
- Capacitating young people on topics related to training and job search
- Promoting education for entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and non-profit activities among young people
- To promote the inclusion and employability of young people with fewer opportunities, with special emphasis on young people at risk of marginalization
Working on the schedule |
Stay tuned for more updates about the project!