Showing posts sorted by relevance for query gabriel brezoiu. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query gabriel brezoiu. Sort by date Show all posts

GEYC Community - a good practice example of digital youth work (ESPON Seminar)

Bucharest, 30th of October 2019: The ESPON Seminar on “Shaping the “Next Economy”: The Territorial Dimension of the Future of Work in Southern Europe” will examine the territorial dimension of labour markets in Southern Europe, setting forth the need to adopt a place-sensitive approach while broadening the governance perspective for designing effective policies. Our colleague, Gabriel Brezoiu, will join as an invited expert during the second part of the seminar "Part II: Tackling Youth Unemployment: Is Enough Being Done?" presenting the example of GEYC Community as a digital youth work good practice.

Mr Gabriel BREZOIU - General Manager of GEYC is nominated for a place in the Advisory Council on Youth (Council of Europe)

GEYC and PRISMA European Network are supporting the nomination of Mr Gabriel Brezoiu as a non-compensated member of the Advisory Council on Youth (Council of Europe) for the period 2020-2021. Would you like to support it as well? Learn more about our call and sign the letter bellow.

Gabriel Brezoiu - General Manager of GEYC was awarded by Forbes Magazine in the prestigious ranking "Forbes 30 under 30"

26th of April 2018, Bucharest, Romania - Forbes Magazine included our colleague, Gabriel Brezoiu - General Manager of GEYC in the prestigious ranking "Forbes 30 sub 30". At the seventh edition, the Gala awards the most remarkable young people from a wide range of fields, from business, sports and art to music or IT, without limiting it to it. We see this as an outstanding acknowledgement of the impact we have in working with young people and youth organisations all over Europe and beyond.

GEYC în direct la Radio3Net

RO: Luni, 8 octombrie 2012, orele 21:00, reprezentații GEYC, Andreea-Roxana Constantin și Gabriel Brezoiu vor participa la emisiunea „Glasul cetății” prezentată de Nicoleta Balaci la Radio3Net. Emisiunea se va difuza live pe

EN: On Monday, October, 8th, 2012, 21:00 (GMT+2), GEYC representatives, Andreea-Roxana Constantin and Gabriel Brezoiu will attend ”Glasul cetății” (The voice of the city) - a radio show moderated by Nicoleta Balaci at Radio3Net. The show will be broadcast live on

Vizita oficială în Republica Moldova a domnului Gabriel Brezoiu, Manager general GEYC

În perioada 23-27 iunie 2016, se desfășoară vizita oficială în Republica Moldova a domnului Gabriel Brezoiu, manager general al GEYC și al Rețelei Europene PRISMA în vederea consolidării sprijinului acordat tinerilor din Moldova. 

Presentation: "Fake news are only real because we think they are real" (Gabriel BREZOIU)

Our colleague, Gabriel Brezoiu, General Manager of GEYC is invited to speak about our initiatives in the field of fake news, youth participation and youth radicalisation during the Panel 4 of the event "How to better respond to European aspirations of the young generation in the Western Balkans?”, to be held in Bucharest on 28-29th of May 2019. The event is organized in the frame of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

#invizita la Muzeul Băncii Naționale a României

Pe 25 octombrie 2017, membrii Comunității GEYC alături de dra Lamia Ajala aflată într-un schimb de experiență Euromed găzduit de către GEYC au vizitat Muzeul Băncii Naționale a României într-o nouă ediție a programului #invizita.

Brezoiu: Tinerii trebuie să se implice activ în alegerea și monitorizarea reprezentaților lor în Parlamentul European

La invitația „Clubului European - Jean Monnet”, domnul Gabriel BREZOIU din partea GEYC ia parte astăzi la conferința „Europa pentru tine(ri) – de 10 ani”, organizată în data de 31 martie 2017 la Liceul Teoretic „Jean Monnet” din capitală. Sunt așteptați să participe elevi din peste 10 unități școlare din București, interesați de domenii precum relații internaționale, științe politice și drept internațional.

A seed to grow

Between the 7th and the 15th of February, three participants together with our colleague, Gabriel Brezoiu as a trainer represented GEYC for the Erasmus+ project "A seed to grow" in Marrakech, Morocco. [See English version below]

Între 7 și 15 februarie 2017, 3 participanți români alături de colegul nostru, Gabriel Brezoiu în calitate de trainer au reprezentat GEYC în cadrul cursului de formare pentru lucrători de tineret "A seed to grow", proiect finanțat prin programul Erasmus+ în orașul Marrakech, Maroc.

Gabriel Brezoiu: "Digital youth participation matters"

This week, our colleague Gabriel BREZOIU, General Manager of GEYC and PRISMA European Network is participating to Culture 4D Conference organized by the Tallinn University in the frame of the Estonian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe.

Women Get Back job shadowing experience in Peru

A job shadowing is an unique experience offered by Erasmus Plus programme to professional youth workers to immerse in another partner organisation reality and discover their context.

#SupportMoldova: Official visit in the Republic of Moldova of Mr Gabriel Brezoiu - General Manager of GEYC

From 17 to 22 October 2017, Mr Gabriel Brezoiu - General Manager of GEYC had an official visit in the Republic of Moldova in the frame of "Support Moldova" Strategic Cooperation Programme (2016-2018) initiated by GEYC with the support of PRISMA European Network.

On focus: youth projects quality [EQYP Seminar in Yerevan]

From 13th to 18th of September 2016, GEYC and "Education without Boundaries" will organize "EQYP - European Quality in Youth Projects" Seminar in Yerevan, Armenia. The activity is the second mobility of the EQYP project coordinated by GEYC with the financial support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme.

International School of Young Politicians - ISYP

From 3rd to 8th of July 2013, GEYC participated to International School of Young Politicians organized by AGAT with the financial support of Azerbaijan Youth Foundation under the president of Azerbaijan Republic in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The event gathered participants from 10 countries: Azerbaijan, Romania, France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Ukraine, Georgia and Turkey in order to exchange ideas, to find out more about the situation in their country and to work on future initiatives.

Call for 15 Romanian participants: Youth Exchange in Cosenza, Italy (21-30 September 2015)

GEYC is selecting 15 Romanian participants, to take part in the "Foodology" European project that will take place in Cosenza, Italy from 21 to 30 September 2015. The main aim of the youth exchange is to counter the spread of bad eating habits among young people, guiding them towards a responsible consumption and respect for nature and health. Call closed!

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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