Showing posts with label training course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label training course. Show all posts

29 October 2015

Let's Get Visible

From October 26th to November 4th 2015, GEYC takes part to "Let's Get Visible" in Vadul lui Vodă, Moldova. 
This is a training course organized in the frame of Erasmus+ programme being dedicated to youth workers that would like to improve their digital skills and knowledge in social media tools.
For NGOs, communication and transparency are key tools for building trust and attracting external support for their cause.

17 September 2015

Să fim antreprenori - povestea bulgărească

Capacitatea de a ne pune ideile în aplicare, de a pune bazele unor afaceri este însăși definiția antreprenoriatului. Luna trecută, 3 tineri din Comunitatea GEYC au avut ocazia de a explora acest domeniu, de a căpăta inspirație și noi contacte în călătoria lor spre lumea antreprenoriatului. 
Într-un cuvânt, vă spunem mai multe despre programul de formare europeană ”Social Entrepreneurship - New Opportunity” desfășurat în cadrul Erasmus+.

15 September 2015

Getting more active: 70 years of peace and growth

In the summer of July 2015, 33 youth workers met in Warsaw to exchange experience and knowledge. They came from 11 countries, EU members, Candidate members and neighbor countries to deeply research the topic of European Citizenship, and try to find ways to motivate the young people they work with to become more active citizens of their countries and the European Union. GEYC Community parts took part to this project and we 

29 August 2015

Call for 4 Romanian participants: "Youth can do it" Erasmus+ training course, 16-24 November 2015, Petroșani, Romania

GEYC launches a call for 4 Romanian participants to join "Youth can do it" training course is Petroșani, Romania from 16th to 24th of November and to get involved in the dissemination and follow-up activities. This is an Erasmus+ project that provides Youthpass certification. All related costs are covered for selected participants. Deadline to apply: 5th of September 2015.

20 August 2015

Time to start our European Fellowship on Human Rights

Our European fellows, Andreea, Cristina and Georgiana said "Hi" from Bansko, Bulgaria where they are attending the first training course of their ‪#‎fellowship in the frame of "No hate speech movement".

They are part of a 5 months programme aimed to promote human rights at local level, particularly the "No hate speech movement" initiated by the Council of Europe.

19 August 2015

PRISMA project: visibility, results, impact and lessons learned

PRISMA (Projects: Resources, Insights and Management - a Social Media Approach) was a complex KA1 mobility project aiming to empower youth workers, youth leaders and project managers from 22 youth organisations from 12 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Turkey - European Union and Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia- Eastern Europe & Caucasus) to raise their project management efficiency through social media tools and networking.

13 August 2015

Am avut multe lucruri de învățat, am cunoscut oameni frumoși și am descoperit alte culturi și locuri

Am așteptat cu nerăbdare plecarea în acest training. Marți, 30 iunie, am decolat spre Germania, departe de un București mohorât, unde temperatura nu depășea 25 de grade Celsius. Am ajuns într-o frumoasă zonă, în orășelul Kleve, la o oră și jumăte de mers cu trenul de la aeroportul Dusseldorf. Un orășel liniștit și plin de verdeață.

04 August 2015

Call for 4 Romanian participants (no age limit): Training Course in Vieste, Latvia (19-27 October 2015)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants, to take part in "Youth exchanges for begginers" European project that will take place in Viesite, Latvia from 19 to 27 October 2015. The main aim of the youth exchange is developing and implement international youth exchange projects. Deadline: 12 August 2015 | Apply now!

18 July 2015

Despre experiența din Italia, de la proiectul Erasmus+ „Active Youth-development of potential”

Nicoleta, Cristina și Alex au participat la proiectul Erasmus+ „Active Youth-development of potential”, organizat de către partenerul nostru Oikos-Onlus în Italia în perioada 1-8 iulie 2015. Proiectele Erasmus+ sunt o oportunitate excelentă de educație non-formală, de a călători, de a învăța și de a te dezvolta, totul cu cele mai mici costuri. Dacă îți dorești și tu o astfel de experiență, trebuie să știi că în secțiunea Mobility Center sunt afișate informații actualizate în permanență despre mobilitățile europene pentru care GEYC recrutează participanți.

15 July 2015

Cum a fost la proiectul Erasmus+ „Social Media Bridges”

Colega noastră, Alexandra, tocmai s-a întors din Germania unde a participat la proiectul Erasmus+ „Social Media Bridges” conectat cu proiectul Digital particiaption Camp&Summit (DPC). Ea a avut parte de o experiență de învățare tare frumoasă și ne povestește mai jos cum a fost.

14 July 2015

Impresiile participanților proiectului Erasmus+ "Enter to Exit Mode in Employability"

Mihai, Cristina și Laura au participat la proiectul Erasmus+ „Enter to Exit Mode in Employability”, organizat de către partenerul nostru 123 Systima Proskopon Lysis în Larnaca, Cipru în perioada 21-28 iunie 2015. Proiectele Erasmus+ sunt o oportunitate excelentă de educație non-formală, de a călători, de a învăța și de a te dezvolta, totul cu cele mai mici costuri. Dacă îți dorești și tu o astfel de experiență, trebuie să știi că în secțiunea Mobility Center sunt afișate informații actualizate în permanență despre mobilitățile europene pentru care GEYC recrutează participanți. 

13 June 2015

Impressions about “Information at your disposal” Training Course from our 4 Romanian participants

Our participants, Costin Serban, Toader Gabriela, Dragomir Marian and Tescan Franziska, returned from the “Information at your disposal” Training Course (Erasmus+, KA1) that took place in Moat Mount (London), UK. This training course approached the access to information within the EU, as many young people complain that they do not know about the different opportunities available to them and they often say that they would have taken advantage of various opportunities if only they had known about them. 

18 May 2015

Call for 3 Romanian participants (no age limit): Training Course in Ohrid, Macedonia (7-14 August 2015)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Creativity as a tool for youth empowerment" European project that will take place in Ohrid, Macedonia from 7 to 14 August 2015. The aim of this TC is to to train young people and develop approaches of working with young people and audiences, develop creativity and creative actions that animates the public. Deadline: May, 26, 2015.

06 May 2015

Call for 3 Romanian participants (no age limit): Training Course in Konstancin-Jeziorna (Warsaw region), Poland (5-12 July 2015)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "70 Years of Peace and Growth" European project that will take place in Konstancin-Jeziorna (Warsaw region), Poland from 5th to 12th July 2015. The aim of this TC is to research the topic of European Citizenship, and try to find ways to motive young people with whom you work with, in becoming more active citizens of their countries. Deadline: May, 14, 2015.

Call for 3 Romanian participants: Training Course in Maddaloni (Napoli), Italy (1-7 July 2015)

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Active Youth-Development of Potential" European project that will take place in Maddaloni (Napoli), Italy from 1st to 7th of July 2015. The aim of this TC is to encourgae youth workers into share their realities, challenges and good practices as youth workers. Deadline: May, 15th, 2015.

04 April 2015

Cu ce impresii s-au întors participanții români din proiectul “Learn, act, grow - developing competencies of youth workers”

Miky, Volina, Ancuța și Mihai au reprezentat România în cadrul proiectului Erasmus+ „Learn, Act, Grow – Developing Competences for Youth Workers”. Trainingul s-a desfășurat în perioada 18-25 martie 2015 în Cracovia, Polonia și a avut ca scop crearea unui mediu care să faciliteze schimbul de informații și cunoștințe, bune practici, instrumente și experiențe în domeniile: managementul proiectelor sociale, educație non-formală, integrare interculturală și lucrul cu tineri cu risc de excluziune socială.

11 March 2015

Call for 4 Romanian participants: training course in Sicily, Italy (June 2015)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants to take part in the “Job Up” European project that will take place in Geraci Siculo (Sicily, Italy), from 8th until 13th of June 2015. This training course aims to boost participants employability and to prepare them to react towards unemployment.

02 March 2015

Erasmus+: Learn how to effectively work in a NGO

From 18 to 25 of March, GEYC participants will attend the training course "Learn, act, grow - developing the competencies of youth workers" in Cracow, Poland. The activity will be organized in the frame of Erasmus+ programme.

02 January 2015

Call for 3 Romanian participants: Training course in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Jan. - Feb. 2015

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants to take part in the “Erasmus plus us” European project that will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, from January 27th to February 5th 2015. This training course will bring together a group of 30 youth workers, project coordinators and youth activists coming from the Programme Countries and will give them a chance to get more in-depth knowledge about the new Erasmus+ programme, which started on January 1st 2014. 

23 December 2014

Call for 4 Romanian participants: Training course in Krakow, Poland March 2015

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants to take part in the “Learn, act, grow - developing competencies of youth workers” European project that will take place in Krakow, Poland, from 18th until 25th of March 2015. This training course is set to engage youth leaders, project coordinators, youth workers, teachers, youth consultants who would like to strengthen their key competencies in order to improve the quality of work with youth at risk of social, economic, cultural and educational exclusion.