Showing posts with label seminar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seminar. Show all posts

16 August 2019

Seminar: [ES-265] Project Management for Young Europeans (FOYER), 04.08.2019-10.08.2019, Los Ángeles de San Rafael, Spain

28 young people gathered between 04.08.2019-10.08.2019 in Los Ángeles de San Rafael, Spain, for a seminar on the topic of project management.

03 April 2018

Seminar - "Now Go!", Leszno, Poland

The Seminar "Now GO!", taking part between 17th February and 23rd February, aimed to empower the young people's involvement within the society, as well as to increase the quality of their work and of their participation. The accomplishment of those goals were possible due to discussions, non-formal education and exchanging of good practices among the participants and their sending organisation. Moreover, the open-discussions of the participants and the ones being facilitated within the project were contributing to learning as much as possible. 

18 March 2018

How to create real impact in entrepreneurship through Erasmus+ projects

Have you ever wondered what is the common element between entrepreneurship and Erasmus+ projects?

In February 2018, our colleague Mădălina participated as a representative of GEYC association at the international seminar “Cross-over - Quality in KA2 projects” in Lithuania. The seminar aimed to improve the understanding of strategic partnerships projects among NGOs and to provide a space for further development of project ideas with potential partners and feedback from National Agencies’ representatives.

26 July 2017

Jurnal de bord - #EUvolve - Ommen, Olanda

Aventura noastră a început în zorii dimineții de 3 iulie, când ne-am întâlnit în Aeroportul Internațional „Henri Coandă”. Acel moment a fost și cel în care am făcut cunoștință unii cu ceilalți. Poate inclusiv faptul că nu ne cunoșteam între noi înainte a făcut din această experiență una memorabilă. 

13 June 2017

S: Fii următorul voluntar EVS! – Seminar de networking EVS Global – Bansko, Bulgaria

În luna mai am participat la seminarul de networking EVS Global găzduit de Alternativi International, care a avut ca subiect poate cel mai cunoscut program de voluntariat la nivel european - European Voluntary Service (EVS). Află de la colegii noștrii, Mădălina și Gabriel cum a fost.

02 June 2017

#DemosPromotori: „EU în UE - Oportunități în UE" - seminar de informare la Liceul Dante Alighieri din București

Proiectul Promotori pentru democratie a fost si anul acesta un real succes pentru GEYC. Colega noastră, Georgiana, a desfășurat pe 30 mai un seminar de informare la Liceul Dante Alighieri din București pornind de la tema EU în UE: oportunități pentru tineri în Uniunea Europeană.

30 April 2017

Căutăm participanți români pentru un schimb de bune practici de inițiative cu puternic impact local în Ommen, Olanda // Termen limită: 1 mai 2017

GEYC și Center for Intercultural Exchange (Suedia) selectează participanți români pentru un schimb de bune practici în domeniul inițiativelor cu puternic impact local. Evenimentul "EUvolve" va avea loc în Ommen, Olanda, între 3 și 11 iulie 2017 și se desfășoară sub egida programului Erasmus+. Termen limită de înscrieri: 1 mai 2017

14 December 2016

Contact Making Seminar - KA3 within Erasmus+

Between the 21st-25th of November, I had the opportunity to be part of a great project, a Contact Making Seminar in El Padul (Granada), Spain. The purpose of this project was to connect with other organisations in order to discuss and develop new strategies of cooperation for future Eramus+ projects, especially within KA3.

06 September 2016

On focus: youth projects quality [EQYP Seminar in Yerevan]

From 13th to 18th of September 2016, GEYC and "Education without Boundaries" will organize "EQYP - European Quality in Youth Projects" Seminar in Yerevan, Armenia. The activity is the second mobility of the EQYP project coordinated by GEYC with the financial support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme.

08 January 2016

EQYP: Project description

"European Quality in Youth Projects (EQYP)" is a mobility of youth workers under Erasmus+ (Eastern Partnership), KA1, Youth aimed to train youth workers in the quality management field and to develop a quality standard for youth projects (called "EQYP"). The project will include a training course aimed to tackle the main fields of focus regarding youth project quality and a seminar during which a European Quality Standard will be created. The project is implemented by 11 organisations leaded by GEYC and is co-financed by the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme.

05 January 2016

Erasmus+ Call for partners (Programme countries) - European Digital Youth Summit (EDYS)

GEYC is looking for partners from Programme countries (please check the table below first) for European Digital Youth Summit (EDYS) mobility of youth workers in order to apply for Erasmus+ funding (KA1, first round). The activity will be hosted in Bucharest, Romania from 1st to 7th of November 2016. Deadline to apply: January, 17th, 2016

19 August 2015

PRISMA project: visibility, results, impact and lessons learned

PRISMA (Projects: Resources, Insights and Management - a Social Media Approach) was a complex KA1 mobility project aiming to empower youth workers, youth leaders and project managers from 22 youth organisations from 12 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Turkey - European Union and Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia- Eastern Europe & Caucasus) to raise their project management efficiency through social media tools and networking.

02 October 2014

Call for 2 Romanian participants: Seminar in Kalamata, Greece / December 2014

GEYC is selecting 2 Romanian participants to take part in the “Every wall is a door” European project that will take place in Kalamata, Greece, from 7th of December until 14th of December 2014. 

15 February 2014

Seminar: "Young European's digital practices"

From 10th to 13th of February 2014, GEYC took part to "Young European's digital practices" seminar in Rouen, France. The event was organized by CRIJ Haute Normandie with the financial support of "Youth in action" program.

21 January 2014

Keep informed with European opportunities!

Various European programs offer us the chance to work on different fields, to learn, to study, to get practical experience or to share our practices. GEYC prepared a list a tools where you could get informed!

13 December 2013

Campanie SMYLE: seminarul „Competenţele digilate, o necesitate?" şi campania „Realizarea unei pagini web cu informații despre obținerea competențelor digitale"

SMYLE la Liceul Bulgar „Hristo Botev"! Liceul a fost susţinut de Asociaţia Culturală Ellas" pentru desfşăşurarea evenimentelor marca SMYLE.

25 November 2013

Campania SMYLE ajunge la Rădăuți!

La Rădăuți, SMYLE a fost găzduit de Colegiul National „Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi". Elevii au luat parte la campania „Ce știm despre competențele digitale?", inițiativa lor având un mare succes și stârnind admirația trecătorilor.