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Showing posts sorted by date for query tc. Sort by relevance Show all posts

19 May 2018

TC "Looking for PIP- Peer Impower", Malaga, Spain

Timp de 8 zile, între 28 aprilie și 6 mai, în însorita Malaga, trei membre GEYC au luat parte la un training ce a avut drept teme principale egalitatea de gen și rolul acesteia în leadership, prin identificarea modalităților care să încurajeze depășirea prejudecăților și să genereze conștientizarea necesității de a ne schimba optica în privință felului în care ne raportăm la rolurile de gen, atât în viață cotidiană, cât și în spațiul destinat muncii.

14 May 2018

Youth Exchange: [BG-160] InforMigration, Bansko, Bulgaria

Six enthusiastic GEYCuleți spent about a week in the one of the largest winter resorts of Bulgaria, attending a training course about topics related to migration, refugees, hate speech and human rights. They got the chance to learn the processes, reasons and effects of migration, about climate change and its social, economic, political and environmental consequences and at the end were left with one of the most exciting stories to tell.

12 May 2018

TC - "Englishman in Youth Work", Poronin, Poland

The TC "Englishman in Youth Work" was an international project attended by over 20 participants sent by partner organizations from Poland, Turkey, Macedonia, Romania, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania and Italy. The Romanian team was represented by two people sent by GEYC after a careful evaluation process. 

03 May 2018

TC - "Training for trainers", Vienna, Austria

Three enthusiastic GEYCuleti spent a week in Vienna attending a training course organized by Mladiinfo Austria aimed to help them become better trainers. They got the chance to learn new things from and with other experienced speakers, facilitators and colleagues and, in the end, they were left with one of the most exciting stories to tell.

29 April 2018

TC "EuroIMPACT Plus", New Castle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

At the beginning of this spring, somewhere in New Castle, a small beautiful city close to the Nordic Sea, took place the training course "EuroIMPACT Plus". The aim of the training course was to improve the project management skills of the youths. The project took place between 5th- 12th of March.

TC - "PRIDE - Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Youth Work Practices", Armenia

When you think about Armenia, it seems like nothing crosses your mind - or at least, that's how I was before PRIDE - Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Youth Work Practices, 25th of February - 4th of March. Now, when I think about Armenia, I think about Aghveran, about that resort we stayed in, where we spent a few days with people from 10 different countries, from whom I learned so many, in so little time. 

27 March 2018

TC - „LET (LearnEducateTeach) meTRY", Wisła, Poland

This training course was mostly about discrimination and social inclusion. It took part in a beautiful town in Poland, named Wisla, in the middle of the nature full covered in white. There were participants from Spain, France, Macedonia, Cyprus, Malta, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Italy and Turkey having two well trained facilitators from Poland and Russia.

24 February 2018

TC- "(en)ABLE" Porto, Portugal

During 8th-15th of January, the training course (en)ABLE was hold in Porto, a unique city in Portugal. The aim of this project was to focus on the rights of people with disabilities in order to include them in the society.

15 January 2018

TC- "Youth Hate=Hate Youth", Newcastle, England

As a regular participant of Erasmus project, quite experimented with non-formal techniques I usually have the tendency of becoming too technical and abstract disregarding my experience.

30 December 2017

TC - "Your Body is a Voice II", Ganties, France

Have many of you have heard about the power of body language? This year, in May, in a beautiful part of France, called Ganties, took part the training course “Your Body is a Voice II”. The training course was addressed to youthworkers who were interested in participating in body language workshops. The aims of this training course were to promote the culture and living diversity as well as to encourage the youth expression, creativity and communication through dance, theatre and singing. 

18 December 2017

TC-"Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism" Terranova, Italia

În perioada 29 noiembrie - 7 decembrie am fost unul dintre cei patru GEYC-uleți care a luat parte la un training course – Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism. Acesta a avut loc în localitatea Terranova da Sibari, Italia. Pot spune că sunt tare norocoasă să vorbesc acum la timpul trecut și să spun că am fost acolo, căci am aflat că am zbor cu o oră și jumătate înainte de îmbarcare. Nu, nu e o greșeală. Compania aeriană m-a anunțat cu o oră și jumătate înainte de îmbarcare că mi-a modificat biletul de avion.

16 December 2017

TC-"E+Quality Week" in Bari, Italy

Imagine one week in a small region from Southern Italy, together with amazing people from seven different countries, working for the same purpose. I haven’t imagined this, until I participated in the E+Quality Week in Bari, Italy, a training course about improving project management competences among youth workers. Looking back at my experience, I have a lot of mixed feelings.

09 December 2017

TC - "Youth Work In The Digital Era", Sibenik , Croația

Am plecat la drum într-o după-amiază ploioasă de noiembrie - atât de ploioasă, că ne-a trecut prin cap de câteva ori să luăm o barcă până la Otopeni. Știam că ne așteaptă un drum lung până în Croația: 16 ore de schimbat 5 mijloace de transport până în Sibenik, unde aveam să petrecem 5 zile de învățare despre lumea digitală alături de participanți din 9 țări.

08 December 2017

TC - "RefugE+" Agrigento, Sicily

Thanks to Erasmus+ Program we, three young people from Romania, (Silvia, Andrei and Dana) had the possibility to visit Agrigento in November, where the weather is so good, although for the locals it means winter. Erasmus+ together with the Sicilian Organization organized a training course about Project Management including the Refugees problems.

04 December 2017

TC-''Active citizens of Today'' Vordingborg, Danemarca

Și a venit timpul să scriu despre minunata experiență in Training course-ul ''Active citizens of Today'' (10.11.2017- 18.11.2017) din Vordingborg, Danemarca. Îmi este greu să îmi găsesc cuvintele, deoarece vreau să suprind esențialul, însă, în același timp, am atât de multe de zis. A fost experiența cea mai frumoasă și cea mai educativă pe care am avut-o până acum.

22 November 2017

TC - "Inclusive Europe", Vilnius, Lituania

Pe data de 3 septembrie ne-am îmbarcat cu entuziasm în avionul ce ne va duce în îndepărtatul Vilnius, fiind curioşi şi nerăbdători să descoperim ce va urma. Prima zi petrecută în capitala Lituaniei a reprezentat o oportunitate de a vizita cele mai importante obiective şi de a ne familiariza cu oraşul, întrucât am participat într-un trasure hunt intercultural.

29 October 2017

TC - "Leading to Equalization", Crete, Greece

First of all we would encourage everyone to apply for Erasmus+ projects. Some of you may have that fear of meeting new people, the “What if they are different from me?” well we all have fears and we are all different and it’s ok. That is one of the main topics of Erasmus projects. For example we came from different parts of our country, two of us (Raul and Silvia) are from Bucharest and two from Cluj (Iulia and Eduard) and only Eduard had past experience with mobility projects. Me, Iulia and Silvia had no prior experience and no idea of what is going to happen. We heard stories from our friends but there is no words for living the actual experience.

TC #REFUGEESWELCOME - Torremolinos, Malaga

Aventura noastră a început în însoritul oraș spaniol, Torremolinos, Malaga, din provincia Andaluzia, unde timp de o săptămână am participat la un proiect pe tema refugiaților, #REFUGEESWELCOME. Ne-am adunat un grup de 18 participanți din 9 țări diferite: România, Spania, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Italia, Grecia, Franța, Austria, Germania, dornici de a colabora și a face lucruri frumoase împreună.

TC - "Bigger, Better, Brighter” - Whitley Bay, UK

I was just finishing my EVS in Sweden and had a feeling that I gained some experiences throughout the project, as it was a long term EVS that lasted for almost one year. So the stars have aligned so I could participate in “Bigger, Better, Brighter” with the aim of promoting European Voluntary Service projects. Further more, it fit into my #inspiration slot project from the #EFYL program.

05 September 2017

TC "ENCORE" - Budapesta, Ungaria

Training course-ul "ENCORE" s-a desfășurat în perioada 04.08.2017-13.08.2017 în Budapesta, Ungaria și a avut ca scop îmbunătățirea comunicării pe plan personal, cât și pe plan profesional. Iată impresiile participantei din partea GEYC: