Showing posts with label entrepreneurship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entrepreneurship. Show all posts

02 July 2019

Youth Exchange: [RO-299] European Employment Opportunities, 30.07.2019-08.08.2019, Bucharest, Romania

Together with partners from Gran Canaria, the Canary Islands, Punto J and Procreartes, GEYC will be implementing a Youth Exchange at the end of July and beginning of August, in Bucharest, Romania. 

04 January 2019

That's a wrap: European Fellowship on Project Management (EFPM)

The European Fellowship on Project Management was a complex programme initiated by GEYC under the framework of EuroIMPACT Plus KA2 Strategic Partnership, aiming to develop the project management skills of young people. Between August 1st and December 31st 2018, 4 young people got involved in various activities that challenged them, but also made them develop their project management skills.

28 December 2018

Women Get Back- A job shadowing experience in Brazil

In an effort to get familiar with the entrepreneurial environment and the situation of women in the work field in Ilheus, Brazil, our colleague, Adelina, finished her job shadowing in the frame of the #WomenGetBack project, hosted by Cooperbom Turismo Ilheus.

20 November 2018

GEYCulet at the 22nd ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU22)

Despite my expectations, I have been accepted in one of the most interactive and complex programs that I’ve participated so far. The official name was ‘’The 22nd ASEF Summer University’’ offered by the Asia-Europe Foundation. Personally it felt like an interdisciplinary Innnovathon in which the organisers offered us a complex experience. But, let me tell you more about my experience.
Claudiu Șulea

11 November 2018

"Together we can R.E.A.C.H. (Recover European Ancient Cultural Heritage) 2", Mileto, Italy

Together we can R.E.A.C.H. (Recover European Ancient Cultural Heritage) 2 was the second chapter of a Youth Exchange funded by Erasmus+ program carried out in Mileto from 20 to 28th September 2018.

05 November 2018

Bootcamp EFYL - European Fellowship on Youth Leadership - Second Edition

European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership initiated by GEYC in 2017, under the aegis of PRISMA European Network. The second edition is taking place in the frame of the #PlayEurope project and will have the duration of 9 months (October 2018 - July 2019).

23 September 2018

Women Get Back: we are exchanging good practices with our partners from Latin America

As part of our long term cooperation in terms of capacity building and exchange of good practices with our Latin American partners, we will have two job shadowing missions in Peru and Brazil in the frame of "Women Get Back" Erasmus+ project.

06 September 2018

GEYC - The launch of the European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) - Second Edition

European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership initiated by GEYC in 2017, under the aegis of PRISMA European Network. The second edition will be taking place in the frame of the #PlayEurope project and will have the duration of 9 months (October 2018 - July 2019).
European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) este un program complex de leadership pentru tineri inițiat de GEYC în 2017 sub egida Rețelei Europene PRISMA. Cea dea doua ediție se va desfășura sub egida proiectului #PlayEurope și va avea durata de 9 luni (octombrie 2018 - iulie 2019).

#PlayEurope lucrează la Ghidul Antreprenorului Social

În ultimele decenii, Europa a fost marcată de o reducere a participării la viața socială, cu precădere în rândul tinerilor. O participare scăzută și lipsa activismului social vor duce la plafonarea unei întregi generații care nu va fi capabilă să-și cunoască drepturile și să ceară ca acestea să le fie respectate.

31 August 2018

#SupportMoldova - 2 years of implementation

Today we are celebrating 2 years of implementation of our Strategic Cooperation Programme "Support Moldova" (2016-2018) and we have published an intermediary progress report.

01 August 2018

We launched the European Fellowship on Project Management - EFPM

We are getting started now with the European Fellowship on Project Management - EFPM. The programme will last between August and December 2018 and will be organized in the frame of the KA2 Erasmus+ project ”EuroIMPACT Plus”.

10 July 2018

The Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship

In our PlayEurope KA2 partnership, we developed, together with our partners, The Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship. It contains real stories from individuals who have already run social enterprises, motivating and inspiring young people to set their own social business.

09 July 2018

GEYC: The launch of the European Fellowship on Project Management

European Fellowship on Project Management is a complex programme initiated by GEYC under the framework of EuroIMPACT Plus KA2 Strategic Partnership, aiming to develop the project management skills of young people.

03 July 2018

Chiș Andreea - #EFYL - Eurosfat 2018 - “Aderarea României la zona euro”

Forumul Eurosfat 2018 a fost un cadru de discuție ce s-a axat pe  viitorul României, al Uniunii Europene, al României în Uniunea Europeană și o dezbatere despre contribuția României la relansarea proiectului european și pașii de urmat până, dar și după Summitul de la Sibiu din mai 2019. Andreea Chiș, membru al Comunității EFYL, a participat la discuția ce a avut ca temă aderarea României la zona euro. 

18 March 2018

How to create real impact in entrepreneurship through Erasmus+ projects

Have you ever wondered what is the common element between entrepreneurship and Erasmus+ projects?

In February 2018, our colleague Mădălina participated as a representative of GEYC association at the international seminar “Cross-over - Quality in KA2 projects” in Lithuania. The seminar aimed to improve the understanding of strategic partnerships projects among NGOs and to provide a space for further development of project ideas with potential partners and feedback from National Agencies’ representatives.

08 March 2018

We are hosting an international delegation in the frame of "The Women Get Back" project

Between 7th and 16th of March, GEYC is hosting in Bucharest a job shadowing in the frame of "The Women Get Back" project (Capacity building, Erasmus+) involving 3 representatives of nongovernmental organisations from Brazil, France (special guest) and Peru.

10 February 2018

“#PlayEurope ‐ EduGames for Active Citizenship” – Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth (KA2)

“#PlayEurope EduGames for Active Citizenship” is a Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth, supported by Erasmus+ Programme. The project consortium is led by Viteco – Italy, and the other partners organisations are

30 October 2017

E-learning course - Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism

GEYC among with his partners Asociacion Projuven from Spain, Youth Mobility Denmark  from Denmark and Futuro Digitale from Italy is glad to announce the launch of EECT (Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism) e-learning course.

07 October 2017

Women Entrepreneurs On The Move!

În perioada 10-15 septembrie 2017, 40 de tineri din 5 țări (Turcia, Bulgaria, Letonia, Lituania și România), printre care 8 GEYCuleți -Irina, Roxana, Dana, Alina, Andrada, Georgiana, Andreea și Mădălina - au luat parte la proiectul  “Women Entrepreneurs On The Move!”. 

28 March 2017

The 'easiest' thing I've done: having a business!

Youth Entrepreneurs’ Lab – Training course, Thessaloniki, Greece (20-28 February) was our opportunity to discover more about entrepreneurship in an intercultural environment thanks to YELAB Erasmus+ project.