The Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship

In our PlayEurope KA2 partnership, we developed, together with our partners, The Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship. It contains real stories from individuals who have already run social enterprises, motivating and inspiring young people to set their own social business.
#PlayEurope is a European project that aims to raise awareness about the importance of being “active citizens” among young people from different EU countries, using the cooperative enterprise model and social entrepreneurship education. 

The project uses an edutainment approach that provides students, in particular at high school and university levels, an innovative and engaging programme to enhance and promote crucial competences in order to become contributing, responsible and critical citizens.

The goal of #PlayEurope is to encourage active citizenship through the instrument of social entrepreneurship, increasing interest of young people in social issues and democratic participation, showing them how and to what extent social entrepreneurship can be a concrete pathway to become better citizens.

As a tool, The Manual will be incredibly useful in order to identify those key competencies that would need to be enhanced to enrich young people as citizens and to be indirectly applied to the job market, in particular to the social business sector.

It was developed to help us achieve the project's objectives including inviting young students and unemployed to be active citizens,to work at the same time on the development of soft/hard skills and on digital integration in learning and youth work, by providing them useful online guide to set up social business and promoting the adoption of alternative methods in schools, training institutions and NGOs that work closely with young people, inviting teachers and youth leaders to use #PlayEurope informal learning approach to promote civic participation among their students.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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