Showing posts sorted by date for query adelina dragomir. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query adelina dragomir. Sort by relevance Show all posts

13 December 2019

Young Digital Leaders 2019 - Final Event

Young Digital Leaders is a Europe-wide programme that aims to empower young people through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy skills that reach beyond the classroom, so that they can be truly empowered as responsible digital leaders. What started off with a meeting in Brussels in February this year ended with an event during which the partners presented their achievements, shared good practices and brainstormed together about the lessons learned and the road ahead.

16 November 2019

Young Digital Leaders at the World Forum for Democracy

We showcased the Young Digital Leaders Project during the World Forum for Democracy, hosted by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Here's how we did and what guests wanted to know about our project.

28 October 2019

WFD2019: “Is Democracy in danger in the information age?”

This year edition of the World Forum for Democracy (WFD)
will be hosted in Strasbourg, France on 6-8 November 2019
Our colleague, Adelina DRAGOMIR will join as a speaker during LAB 1 Human 2.0 : Youth and Digital Empowerment of the World Forum for Democracy, hosted by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg between 6th and 8th November 2019.

18 March 2019

Înscrieri la cursurile de formare pentru cadre didactice în proiectul Young Digital Leaders

Deschidem oficial înscrierile pentru cursurile de formare a cadrelor didactice în contextul proiectului inițiat de, Young Digital Leaders. Aici găsiți formularul de înscriere și toate detaliile legate de locații, date și metodologie. 

23 September 2018

Women Get Back: we are exchanging good practices with our partners from Latin America

As part of our long term cooperation in terms of capacity building and exchange of good practices with our Latin American partners, we will have two job shadowing missions in Peru and Brazil in the frame of "Women Get Back" Erasmus+ project.

26 June 2018

"Young Digital Leaders" - closing event of the pilot phase

20th of June 2018, Brussels - We took part to the closure event of the pilot phase of "Young Digital Leaders" project initiated by Google (Brussels) together with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) and led by GEYC in Romania.

03 May 2018

TC - "Training for trainers", Vienna, Austria

Three enthusiastic GEYCuleti spent a week in Vienna attending a training course organized by Mladiinfo Austria aimed to help them become better trainers. They got the chance to learn new things from and with other experienced speakers, facilitators and colleagues and, in the end, they were left with one of the most exciting stories to tell.

02 March 2018

Astăzi s-a lansat proiectul pilot „Young Digital Leaders”, coordonat de Google și ISD (UK)

Astăzi a avut loc lansarea proiectului pilot „Young Digital Leaders” la Colegiul Național „Emanuil Godju” din Oradea. Proiectul pilot „Young Digital Leaders” a fost inițiat de Google (Bruxelles) și este coordonat de către ISD (UK) în parteneriat cu GEYC. 

15 February 2018

#GEYC8 - Meet the team - Adelina Dragomir, Project Responsible

„#GEYC8 - Meet the team” este oportunitatea perfectă atât pentru membrii Comunității GEYC, cât și pentru partenerii noștri să cunoască mai multe detalii despre #GEYCuleții care fac parte din echipa internă. Inițiativa nu vine întâmplător în această perioadă, în luna martie fiind aniversarea de 8 ani a GEYC. 

09 February 2018

YE-"United Plates of Europe", UK

Once upon a time, there were two princesses and three princes who rode unicorns to a faraway land called happiness. Just kidding, this isn’t a bed time story, although, judging from the extraordinary experiences lived by our protagonists, it could have easily been one.

08 June 2017

European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL)

[EN] European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership having the duration of one year initiated by GEYC under the aegis of PRISMA European Network in the frame of EECT project. The participants have a mix learning experience: training, job shadowing, practice, inspiration and peer-to-peer training.

[RO] European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) este un program complex de leadership pentru tineri cu durata de 1 an inițiat de către GEYC sub egida PRISMA European Network în cadrul proiectului EECT. Participanții au parte de o experiență de învățare mixtă: formare, job shadowing, practică, inspirație și formare de la egal la egal.